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Pi Pa finished drinking some of the Mistress of the House’s hangover cure, and sighed as the potion began to take hold. The rather nasty headache she had began to fade— and she began to clean up the worst of the night’s… celebrations.

She sighed, as she started gathering the cups off the table, once more disparaging alcohol. Or at least that particular alcohol. It was quite annoying that the mead was one of the few things Pi Pa could truly taste, with the side effects of her cultivation—which meant that when she did get some, she normally kept drinking.

It was nice in the moment. The peasant glow that the world got, along with the songs that were sung, and the dancing that was had. But afterwards…

Well, this time it wasn’t too bad, at least. It wasn’t like any who lived here were particularly messy, but there was a bunch of spilled wine, from when The Master of the House played “beer pong” with their… guest.

Pi Pa directed her eyes to the form that was slumbering beside her Dear. Shen Yu. Honoured Grandfather.

Pi Pa glanced at the man, who was dozing happily. He had a look of contentment on his face as he dozed, his head on her Dear’s flank.

Pi Pa considered the man. He was… certainly a character. The man had become uncouth and lewd as he had gotten into his cups… though Pi Pa couldn’t exactly disparage him entirely, as the Mistress also got uncouth and lewd as she drank. The ribald tales and songs they had traded seemed to break some of the Mistress’s cold shoulder. Even Pi Pa could not entirely suppress a smile when she recalled the Ballad of Zhang Jiba and his magical lengthening, hardening staff which he had to keep tucked into his belt.

After that came the story of how Young Miss Xianghua met Young Sir Gou Ren— and Shen Yu’s lament still hung in Pi Pa’s ears.

“Why did I never come here before?!” the old man had demanded, staring at the absolutely smug expressions of the Mistress and the Young Miss. “They build women out of different material, here in these hills!”

Which led to Young Sir Yun Ren showing off Biyu on his recording crystal, as Shen Yu clapped him on the back.

For all he was lewd, he had not made any advances towards the ladies; his hands and eyes had stayed polite and respectful, as much as Pi Pa could tell.

And indeed, even though he had clashed with their Master… He seemed to no longer wish to test him. Which was good. She had nearly unleashed the tightly bottled void in her chest, when she first felt the clash—but had stayed her hand when no corrupted Qi had gone forth. When it had become apparent that it had been more of a spar, than anything serious.

But most importantly… her Dear had shook his head. He had not been scared. And he did not seem to be angry with Shen Yu, so he could not truly be that bad. A bit set in his ways, perhaps, but in the end he hadn’t truly caused them any harm. Thus, Pi Pa would treat him as his status demanded.

He was an Honoured Guest. But he had scared her quite a bit, so she would take some petty vengeance.

She wondered how much Shen Yu liked the taste of unwashed dragon scale.

Thus did Pi Pa nod and return to her duties, preparing for the day. Which currently started with taking care of the residents. With a gentle intake of breath, and a small leap, she got Huo Ten down from the ceiling to place him into a better position on the couch. She nodded to Maintiao who was just starting to awake, coiled as he was on Bowu’s chest. Ri Zu was with Miss Meihua, the night having gotten a bit too rowdy for both of them. Wa Shi was passed out in his lair, his head completely submerged in the river while his coils obstructed most of the room. Bubbles came up from the water as he snored. Yin and Tigu were out on patrol, neither of them having drank anything.

Bei Be was still outside, staring blankly at the cut Shen Yu had made last night.

Pi Pa opened the oven, to light it for breakfast, and came face first with Bi De. The rooster stared back blearily at her, from where he was trussed up in a cooking pan.

“Good morning, Sister.” he said with as much dignity as he could muster.

‘Good morning. You might wish to have a word with Young Sir Yun Ren, for this one.’ She replied. The rooster nodded at her words, as she pulled the tray out, and set him aside. ‘Hangover cure is in the jar on the counter.’

“My thanks, sister. I have not missed training with Shen Yu, have I?” he asked, sounding embarrassed and considered.

‘Honoured Grandfather is still on the floor. You are fine. Now drink up, and make yourself presentable, you can help me.’

Not that Bi De was really any good at cooking, but he could at least chop the vegetables. Pi Pa spared him another glance, as with a flex, the ropes broke. He rose, to drink his medicine, and become presentable.

Such a foolish boy, offering himself like that to Shen Yu. But … that was just the way he was. To think, that Pi Pa would kill Chow Ji in a single blow now, but the Rat’s shadow still lingered in how they acted.

He would protect them and their way, even at the cost of himself.

Bi De jumped as she nosed him.

‘Feel better soon.’ Pi Pa told him.

Bi De’s smile warmed. “I will. Thank you, Sister.”

Pi Pa nodded, and continued through her duties. She lit the fires, and heated the bath. She listened a moment to Tigu and Yin sparring in the early morning. She returned to check on Bi De’s preparations, and satisfied, she sought to begin waking people up.

First, was Shen Yu. The man had already obviously been awake for at least a little—perhaps for Yin and Tigu’s spar, but his eyes were still closed, and he was still half asleep.

She approached with heavier steps, something telling her that it was wise not to sneak up on this man, and Pi Pa was very light on her feet.

As she did, Shen Yu stretched, and smacked his lips, a wide, lethargic smile overcoming his features. “Ah….” the old man sighed happily. “Now.. that was a good night.”

Pi Pa gently placed first a large glass of water, then a cup of tea beside him. The man turned to look at her. He had a contemplative expression on his face, as Pi Pa set down beverages beside him.

‘Good morning, Honoured Grandfather. If you require a remedy for any headache, this Pi Pa can provide one for you.

Shen Yu considered her words, his eyes sharp, and not at all bleary. After a second he turned from her to look at the cups she had placed down for him. He picked up Maintiao’s glass, and admired it for a second.

“A Fine glass, and water filled with Draconic Qi.” he mused, before draining the glass. “Hmm. not bad.”

Pi Pa kept her face carefully neutral as she bowed. Dragon spit was a fine beverage? Then, the man turned to the tea, taking a sniff. “Arbus, hairroot fungus, and jadecaps.” he said, immediately identifying the herbal brew.

‘From Mistress’ father, for liver function.’ Pi Pa informed him. The man nodded.

“Oh? A good tea after a night of drinking.” He declared, before picking it up and taking a sip. “Hmm. I shall have to bring some of this for Lu Ri.”

‘I shall prepare some for you, Honoured Grandfather. Secondly, The bath has been prepared, should you wish to cleanse yourself before breakfast.’ Pi Pa doubted he needed to. Other than the slight amount of alcohol, the man had no scent, and not a drop of sweat on his body.

Shen Yu nodded, the odd expression coming over his face for a moment, before he sighed.

“I’ve been in palaces with worse hospitality.” he mused, before looking at Pi Pa. “Who trained you?

Pi Pa blinked. ‘This Pi Pa trained herself, for the most part.’

“Why?” Shen Yu asked after a moment. “Why place yourself as a servant?”

‘It… appealed to me.

“Appealed?” the man asked, sounding amused.

‘There is honour in service. In making a home that everyone can be proud, and happy to return to.’ Pi Pa’s voice was even and calm. But she couldn’t stop the little smile that crossed her face.

The Honoured Guest took a moment to consider her words.

“I see.” he finally said, and stood. “I shall have a bath, I think. It has been a long time!”

The man was smiling. His wrinkles, and slight scars stood out starkly against his skin, belying a lifetime of combat. A lifetime of war, and if he really did take Bi De along with him…

‘Good Sir?’ Pi Pa asked. Shen Yu paused, as he turned to leave.


‘Please take care of our Bi De.’ Her head bowed.

“.... you truly care for him, don’t you?” he asked.

‘Yes. He is a bit foolish. But he means well.’

The old man scratched at his chin, and after a moment, nodded before striding off, his brow slightly furrowed.

Pi Pa watched him go, and sighed.

Then, she returned to the kitchens, to get more water and tea, and went to wake the rest of the household up.

She finished ascending the stairs when two doors opened.

The Master and Mistress stepped out of Young Miss Xiulan’s room, just as Young Miss Xiulan stepped out of the Master Bedroom. The Mistress was smiling at her son, but she froze as she saw where the Young Miss was.

The Mistress gaped, shock and rank betrayal covering her face as she looked from her unapologetic husband to the smiling woman.

“You dare!” she gasped out.

“But Senior Sister, I was in your bed last night. I thought you would be happy…” Cai Xiulan returned, sheer smugness radiating off of her.

Pi Pa sighed, and rolled her eyes, but there was a trace of a smile on her face.


Breakfast saw the Mistress sulking, as she fed her son, while Cai Xiulan still looked like she had conquered the world.

Yin came in a bit later, frowned at Shen Yu, and then sat down. Tigu had seemed relieved to see her.

Breakfast was rather quiet and subdued, as some were still recovering from their hangovers, but Pi Pa kept her eyes moving, noting the glances directed at Shen Yu, trying to gauge the others’ reactions.

Most of them seemed relatively ambivalent.

The worst was Yin. She was completely subdued, and her eyes darted to Shen Yu often, before she frowned again.

Wa Shi was still recommending him different bits of food to try, and even Huo Ten seemed settled.

Shen Yu, on the other hand, was observing all of them quite intently still, like he hadn’t quite figured them all out.

It was an awkward kind of breakfast. At least until Shen Yu spoke.

“Hong Meiling—before it slips my mind, I would like to meet your father. I never did give him a proper bride price.” Shen Yu declared. “And I would meet my granddaughter’s family!”

The table paused, as the conversation shifted again, but Pi Pa only had eyes for Miantiao.

He was concerned with Yin… but he too seemed to hold no ill will towards the old man.

She had thought he would be the same as Yin. angry, and lost. But instead…. Instead the snake was completely calm.


Miantiao the snake was enjoying a cup of tea, as he watched blasts of silver light erupt from the field near the forest.

Bi De was fighting with Shen Yu, showing the old human his power. Pi Pa settled down beside him, looking ahead towards the spar.

Then, she turned to Maintiao.

‘So. What do you think of him?’ Pi Pa asked the snake, watching the explosions of silver light. Miantiao knew the question was coming. And really, he did not blame her for being curious. Out of everyone, he had perhaps reacted the least to Shen Yu.

Maintiao took a sip of his tea, and then tilted his head from side to side in his version of a shrug. ‘He is a man. A powerful man, but a man. This Miantiao hasn't known him enough to form an opinion.’

Pi Pa seemed surprised.

‘I see. And your thoughts on the… altercation?’

Miantiao took a breath, and sighed. The Qi and fight had stunned Yin, and he needed to talk to her. But Maintiao?

Maintiao had lost everything once. Miantiao had felt the complete and utter destruction of everything he had ever loved, and if that time came again…. He would have known.

‘I knew we were in no danger.’ he answered after a moment. “There was power, but there was no intent to kill. And I know intent to kill very well.’

‘So… even if the Master lost…?’

‘Yes. I thought we would be fine. He did not strike me as one who would destroy this place.’ It was simple and pragmatic, the personality he had put up since coming here. But.. that was not the whole picture. Miantiao closed his eye, as he remembered the embrace of a figure made of gold. ‘Though, I do suppose there was another reason.

Pi Pa raised an eyebrow.

‘Faith.’ The snake stated simply.

Pi Pa’s shocked face greeted to him, when he looked at her.

‘Faith?’ she asked.

‘I simply…. Did not think Jin would lose. Even against that man, with all his might.’

It was just as simple as that. He had placed his faith in that little earth spirit, and the strength he had witnessed at the Dueling Peaks.

Or maybe he just thought the heavens would not be so cruel as to take a second home from him.

The sow beside him chuckled, and shook her head. ‘Forgive me, but you were the last one that I would think to answer that way.’

Indeed, Maintiao would have thought the same. His soul was weighed down by regrets. But as he looked on at shimmering glass, at the greenhouse, and everything he had created since coming here…

There was still a tiny flame of himself left. And like Bi De said. He would atone with his life—or rather, atone by living his life.

Atone by living, and fixing his mistakes. Like what he had done to Yin.

The rabbit’s reaction was born of fear—and he would do everything in his power not to let it consume her.

Hopefully he could get through to her, before she did anything really foolish… but at least she already had Tigu looking out for her.

There was another burst of silver light, and Maintiao closed his eye again.

He could not help but think that they had weathered the worst of the storm; and all that was left was to ride out the shockwaves.



A bit more on what happened during the night, and a bit more from some rarer POVs.

Zhang Jiba. His name is a dick joke. Zhang Meaning long, and Jiba being slang for a male’s… staff.

Gramps ahdnt won yet.... but lets just say that brought Meimei over a little.

Editors: Ayje


Gremlin Jack

So Zhang Jiba is Chinese for 'Biggus Dickus'?


Further delay as CF submitted the manuscript for Vol2 yesterday.


Hmm, wondering what the Chinese version of "Incontinentia Buttocks" would be