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Okay, so, the kids nickname will be Xiaode, or “little De” after his morning crowing.

Now, for the actual name, I'm trying to go for something thats proper chinese, and not a complete pun, mostly because while nicknames about dick jokes are fine with Meiling..... well, the actual name should be something nice, in her opinion.

As for changed western names.... I kind of dont want to do that either, as this also completes an arc of Jin's, a bit more distancing from the "before". His children live in this world, and have names to match.

All of these are sourced from online, like the rest of the chinese names I use, so if the translation seems odd to a native speaker I can only apologise.



I have a suggestion, pulled from google (so it’s possibly completely off): Jingxi - happy surprise. Or Fengye - which possibly means Maple Leaf


Having "Little" in the name seems like a good nickname sort of thing, good for comical effect when the person is anything but little. But as part of the actual name, I think it isn't as good.


I really don’t want another name starting with X :D


Duanye the Rock Johnson


But little mountain = hill so can both refer to what everyone feels when Jin’s Qi is out, as well as the Verdant Hills


Blame the guy who invented the transcription from Chinese to the Latin alphabet. It sounds nothing like X in other languages at all. ^^ Only from listening I never know if something starts with X or Sh.


Taran - or "Ta Ran" if you like. The kid will grow up on a farm inhabited by legendary heroes and think it "normal" until he goes out into the wide world. Also, Chronicles of Prydain were my Narnia growing up.


If mountain wins, Meimei chose the name

John Koor

I feel like little field or little tree would be something more in line with what Jin would name his son. Jin's mindset would be far more in line with a name accentuating the benefits of strength through nurturing, as well as physical, spiritual, and mental growth. That's why the little field or little tree would make sense. A mountain doesn't actually grow. From it's creation it is just slowly weathered away away as the elements shave away the weak points. Little mountain implies an mighty martial lifestyle, something that is more along the lines of what a prideful warrior father would name his son with the belief that he'd face many weaker challengers. I think Jin would instead want a peaceful life for his children, not naming his kids in a manner that might provoke challengers.


Just to defend my choice. I feel like New Leaf would better represent how Jin Rou's taken off the beaten path of cultivation and "planting something new" A new family member budding off the family tree that is Fa Ram.




On anything Tian, really. By now, the characters should be well-aware of her and her contribution.

Lynne B.

I like "Strong Root" because that's not only a nod back to their earth spirit, it fits with being the offspring of a farmer and an herbalist.


I don’t care for ‘little’ in the name. His milk name already has little in it and having it in his actual name as well feels off. Especially as he is unlikely to be little when he is grown with Jin for a father. I know that it could be considered funny in diverting expectations when he’s older but I don’t feel like both his milk and name and given name should be jokes. That said I really like the other names and would vote for more than 1 if I could!