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Hey, everybody, I just noticed that I forgot to put this announcement in the ending notes of the recent chapters, but this week is the week off I take a month, so there will be no posts.

Sorry to everybody for not making that more clear, this is completely my mistake. I honestly thought I had posted about it, as I did in the public posts, but that apparently slipped my mind. 

Again, my apologies for the lack of clear communication on my end. I'm going to make a callendar, so that any off weeks are going to be posted in advance.



Heh, being busy person myself with far too little time for hobbies amongst my work and personal responsibilities, I can attest to the importance of taking time off for yourself every now and then. Personally, I've got a backlog of unread chapters worth two weeks, so I don't have much of an issue here. :P


anyone know when Casual Famer will be uploading tonight?