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once again, just keeping everybody informed. Chapter is 100% tomorrow, and there will be 3 chapters this week as well. Last week was just super wonky with how nervous I was about finally sending off the book tot he audio people, editing concerns and my own mistake with how I wrote a scene.

Back to feeling better though! This time its just standard conversation stuff taking a while. 

So I'll once again have to ask for your patience!



No worries! Glad you're feeling better! 😊


Thank you for the update and continuing to create this amazing story


Any hints regarding the narrator? And thanks for the update.


No problem, keep up the good work!


Glad to hear you are feeling better!!

Shadow Gaming

Thanks for letting us know


Take a break, and build up a chache of chapters,so you can post on the date. Missing deadlines are bad for your mental health.


All G it's good stuff, hope you have good success with it

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the update. Get the chapters to us when you are happy with them and take the time you need to relax. Your health both physical and mental comes first.


You should just take a break if you are feeling overworked.


Take a week off you have been churning chapters for a while now take a break and take care of your life

Bonifacio Mario Peña Jr.

If you end up going into a flow state when you write, perhaps you don't really need the break. I'm just saying this because its supposed to be relaxing.


It's all good in the hood


Due to the delay I decided to go back and reread the story from the beginning, totally worth it. Help remind me of so many plot points.

Dale Tucker

How dare the Tot He Audio tribe delay the next chapter. They're courting death!

Michael Fannon

Dude, I read both Martin and Rothfuss. Been waiting for their next books for years. A few extra days for perfection is more than reasonable.

Ashlee Jacobsen

Dude a patreon I am subscribed to has taken 5 months to update and I'm still subscribed it's no worries


I think Casual’s character in the novel is the Lord Magistrate. LOL you need to chill man. We are all cultivators and we will stick around.

Torbjørn Nilsen

You can't rush the a hen to lay eggs my man. Breathe, we will be here. Thanks for telling us though :)


a_man_in_black ? By chance, lol. Take you time author man, just let us know.

Mickey Phoenix

The good stuff is always worth waiting for. Which logically implies that your work is always worth waiting for. :-D

Mickey Phoenix

A small suggestion, if I may? It seems to me that, like many creators (and diligent people in general), you tend to take breaks only when you "really need them", and return to work-and-deadlines mode as soon as you've gotten your minimal rest. Which means that, as soon as you're rested, you go back to running at full speed, and one rough day puts you behind the 8-ball again. I want to suggest that there are actually three states: 1. Taking a break for rest and relaxation. 2. Taking a break from deadlines while you continue working, to build up a buffer against bad days, and 3. Delivering your usual high-quality work on your usual deadlines. This has a few advantages: 1. As an earlier commenter noted, it avoids the morale and stress hit of "missing a deadline". People do their best work when they are relaxed and happy! 2. It gives your readers predicability -- we know when our next dose of awesome is coming! 3. It gives you time to revise and review, and even go back and change things, without needing to retract and re-issue a chapter, or even risk confusing your readers with multiple versions of the story. 4. It frees you up to write chapters in the order that inspiration strikes, rather than in the order you plan to publish them. As much as I would hate to go for a month without reading more BoC, it would be a worthy sacrifice if the result was that you were happy and relaxed and confident and feeling good about your work and your job. You would win -- and so would we, your loyal readers. Please consider taking a publishing break to build up your backlog. We promise to be waiting here, patiently, eager for your next episode, however long it takes! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


^^^ I would also like to add to point number 2 above. This is something most folks wouldn't consider. It's a better experience for the reader if you have deadlines you can hit more easily and a lot more predictably. I would prefer paying for 2 chapters a week reliably, than being let down frequently while expecting 3 chapters a week. Switching to 2 chapters a week would: - Give you more time to finish a chapter in line with your own timeline - Help you reliably meet your own personal standard for content published (which is really high by the way...love everything you publish) - Let you build up stack of chapters in advance that you're happy with, if you have the time and health to do so....and then release BONUS chapter(s) at the end of each month if you're ahead on your work! Saying that - no matter what you do I'll be a patron of your work. You're just that good, and I hope you know that. I just feel that switching the timeline will help your personal health, and also increase and sustain patrons to your work as you're churning out chapters per expectations set....and also providing bonus chapters at the end of each month when you're able to! I do think that there may be short-term unsubscribers to BoC if you were to implement the above, but long term - I believe this is your strategy to scale while sustaining yourself.


Yep. I'd be down with 2 chapters a week as well. This is top quality writing and I'd really hate to see burn out.


I prefer more then less, pressuring someone into burning out obviously isn’t ideal. However I do question spending $60(annual sub) on basically maybe 2 unedited books.


Considering he’s making nearly $200,000 USD a year here, as long as he’s honestly putting in 32 hours a week, whether it’s editing/refining or writing new, I’m fine with it. Hopefully he will reward long term subscribers with the finished work(s) without getting greedy but that’s up to him.


That would be nice but….seeing how we are his fan base would be rough not to sell us the edited chapters in an actual book. I’m not trying to be funny here, I’m just assuming he’s self publishing so he’s paying to get this book done on his own. Who would spend money making a product then give it away to his market audience…..


You mean the ones who already paying 4x it’s value? Actually paid for the self publishing? ;) not saying it should be free, but probably discounted, just saying.