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In addition for chapters 1-5, have some art as well, of the very first battle that occurred in this story. Its title is "Beneath the Crescent Moon"

Art, as always, is by Tsuu!



David Bean

Ah yes, Basil the future vest. Awesome art.


Basil Bush!

Klien Morretti

Why are all the trees evergreens?


Our boy Big D pulling out a Getsuga Tensho.


The wolf looks like Kurama from Naruto


@Green0Photon it is because it's not a wolf but a fox😉


There's our boy, making a breakthrough at a critical moment in his duel to the death.


real question fam when are you going to get Big D with his fox vest {Gilet? jerkin? yelek?} as your avatar on RR and patron and so on. i feel like you should probably get an upgrade for the first book publishing rather then staying with the "Majestic Roster On White~" even if it is a classic.


It's where the Canadian chose to stop to build his new life. Also, perhaps Tsuu is from the North.

Darune Albane

https://youtu.be/miomuSGoPzI .. every time i read a chap this pops in my head


Bok Bok MOFO

BigBro Bluesman

BROOOO That would be a kickass poster!!

clinton cuzzort

“Wicked Basil Brush, I Bi De, First Disciple of the Great Master, am feeling magnanimous today. Come take my crescent moon strike and die. I can guarantee your pelt will live on to at least volume 2.”


What happened to that pelt, anyway? I seem have either have overlooked it, or it was just forgotten at some point


I’ll buy a hard copy with art


Great image. I personally liked the version with the darker sky and brilliant moon that had some impressions of craters on the inside edge then brilliant white like a sharpened sickle on the outer edge. I would also consider having a bit of brilliant red on the fox. Big D has the light behind him so he is in full shadow. The fox has the light shining on him. If not, perhaps just the area where the yellow eye is lighting the face, instead of pure yellow perhaps toss in some red as you have said the fox pelt is an amazing red and a lit up eye would be bringing out some of this color. Or given that Foxes are known for being red you might consider having it as red eyes instead of yellow. But it is great in any case.


I imagine Bi De, when he takes on his human form will be the peerless master that defies the Heavens with his jaded skin and long red hair. Like Tang San with his god form.


Very nice! Would be down for buying a print!