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Bai Huizong, Director of Spiritual Ascension Affairs, sat in the crystal room, staring at the secret passage. The Elders had left to explore its inner reaches not long ago, delving into ancient depths in search of secrets.

Of course, Bai Huizong wouldn’t be caught dead going down some strange, unknown tunnel in the Dueling Peaks, no matter how many Elders went along with him. He had too much common sense. Better to profit off whatever they dragged up later, rather than risk his neck.

He did feel a bit bad for the lad, though. Having the direct attention of so many cultivators wasn’t really worth the trouble most of the time. Oh, it was fine when you were the funny little mortal who organized things for them, and announced their fights, but anything else? No, you wanted to avoid being interesting.

There was a knock on the door and one of his aides entered and approached him, kneeling down to whisper in his ear.

“Sir, your meeting with the Azure Jade Trading Company.”

Huizong jumped. Ah, right, he had that tonight, didn’t he?

Quite frankly, he didn’t even know why the masters of the Azure Jade Trading Company had requested a meeting to “discuss the sale of Rou Tigu dolls”. It had never happened before. In fact, they had been more than happy to let things slide in the past. They had always been good customers and he even preferred shipping with them!

The letter requesting the meeting had been worded politely. And politely usually meant problems.

The meeting room was a lovely little villa sticking out of the side of the mountain. It was well furnished and with a commanding view of the entire south side of the town out into the hills.

When Bai Huizong entered the room he was met with two faces with whom he was intimately familiar. The first was Guan Ping, Master of the Azure Jade Trading Company, who had a calm, grandfatherly smile on his face. Huizong’s elder by several years, he was always slow and deliberate in his dealings.

Lady Daiyu, on the other hand, was still an absolutely stunning woman. She seemed untouched by time, aging as fine wine did. A few wrinkles but her scarlet hair was brilliant, and she was still a peerless beauty.

She smiled at him, showing her perfect white teeth, and Huizong wished he could appreciate her smile… but he knew better.  Behind the beautiful mask was a tiger, a woman as ruthless as any cultivator.

They exchanged pleasantries as he took his seat across from the pair. Lady Daiyu accepted a fan from her servant, ostensibly so she could smile at Huizong from behind it. The fan had a painting of a Jade dragon, and billowing clouds. So, she was a bit upset, but not truly angry. Good news.

“So… to what do I owe the pleasure, Lady Daiyu?” Huizong asked leadingly. He knew who to address here. “Your letter was… vague.”

“Our apologies.” The woman said, snapping her fan closed, it’s message having been delivered. “There are just some concerns about the Rou Tigu doll. You see, we have… suspicions that Rou Tigu is related to an extremely valuable customer. We would wish to ask him about it before you went ahead in distributing his symbol, no?”

Huizong raised an eyebrow. “That's never been a problem before…” he ventured. The sects… well, the sects didn’t care really as long as the use was respectful enough. He knew the cultivators had seen the dolls he made. It's not like they were secret. But a mortal’s toy and a simple likeness? They allowed it. Better to be seen as a hero by the mortals and have their children recognise your symbol by heart.

“It… has the possibility to become one. If Rou Tigu is unrelated then you may continue. If she is related… well. We wished to speak with you about it in advance. Thanks to our lucrative relationship. We would see our honoured customer’s daughter get her fair share, if you are using her, no?” she asked, her cold eyes never leaving his face.

Huizong grimaced. The Azure Jade Trading Company was going all in for this customer. But it wasn't like he could refuse.

“May I know why this customer is so important?”

“Eighty Thousand Silver coins. With two hundred thousand more in the future.”

Bai Huizong stared blankly at them. Two hundred thousand

“And we will of course keep the honoured Lord Director in our thoughts.” Lady Daiyu finished. “It does no good to alienate a powerful man such as yourself.”

This.. this was big. If the Azure Jade trading company was talking those numbers, then it was massive. And from one man?

The Azure Jade Trading Company would occasionally crack the threads of men who reneged on deals. This? These were the numbers that got the Azure Jade Trading Company to start hiring cultivators. From outside the province.

“Of course, I’ll inform all of my business associates that there may be a delay while we sort this out.” Huizong said.

And then there was a loud explosion. It echoed out over the hills and all talking ceased.

Huizong sighed. Things had been going so well this year too.

“If that's everything—” He started, but there was a pounding alarm gong and a rapid fire roll of thunder. It sounded quite a bit louder and harsher than he was used to hearing.

Lady Daiyu frowned heavily. “Lord Director, do you mind?” The woman asked, pulling out a minor transmission stone.

“Ah, no, please, Lady Daiyu.”

A minor transmission stone to communicate with a shop. Bai Huizong stared enviously at it. Well, after this year he might be able to get a few more for himself. The damn things cost an arm and a leg.

The woman walked to the window, and Huizong could only make out parts of what she said.

“Thank you. Guan Shi. Yes, nephew. Yes, you have permission. Pack up and get to the safehouse.”

There were more crashes and shouts.

“Yes, I’ve got a feeling about this one. Fast as you can, my dear. Ah, Aiguo and Liuhua are staying? Good, remember their hazard pay, please.”

The woman handed the transmission stone back to her servant.

“Will we be safe here, Director?” Master Guan asked lightly.

“Of course we will. It's likely just a little scrap—”

An explosion tore through the night, lighting the town up with a false dawn. Huizong nearly fell out of his chair.

“On second thought, let's retreat further into the mountain.” he corrected. They swiftly stood and exited the meeting room, his aides rapidly coming towards him from where they had been stationed in the hall.

“See if you can get the Elders, their children have gotten way too rowdy.” He commanded, and the men nodded before rushing off. Huizong was in his element now, striding forwards and in command. They managed to make it to his main office in record time. Lady Daiyu could move surprisingly quickly for a woman her age.

“Do not fear. Everything is absolutely under—” The crystal lights turned red and everything started to wail.

“—under con—”

The doors slammed shut behind them.


There was an ominous click as the doors locked.

Lady Daiyu turned to Huizong and raised a single eyebrow in response.


Cai Xi Kong watched as Bao Wen performed the maintenance rites in front of the humming machine. The boy’s eyes were screwed up in concentration.

It had been over a day already. Their first activation of the machine had shut off part of the barrier. The upper floors, judging by the diagram on the machine. He could tell Bao Wen was obviously tiring. After the endless debate had concluded, they had decided upon this measure simply because there was no food in the depths. The Elders could afford to wait for weeks or months, but the mortals could not. .

Xi Kong turned back to the ongoing discussion going on between the various Elders about the future use of their collective discovery… and naturally who should get first priority of its use.

“Open the vault every year?” Elder Xinling asked

“Who should have priority on the texts?” Elder Shen questioned.

“Your sect can’t possibly make as much use of this knowledge—” Elder Shu commented.

“And yours can, you bastard? You could study the ancestors for a thousand years and gain nothing!” Elder Gang snorted.

The squabbling was hushed so Bao Wen couldn’t hear them. It would not do to expose the mortal boy to the Elders bickering over minutiae like merchants.

This wouldn’t end any time soon. Xi Kong himself was aware of the dilemma. How to disseminate the information. Sects wanted priority, special considerations…

Xi Kong remembered something his daughter had told him, or rather confided in him, on how these mortal archives worked.

“No scrolls leave the archive itself. A single copy per person may be made every month.” he said, adding his own thoughts to the discussion.

His point was considered.

“Is that not too generous?” Elder Shen asked. “Once a month…”

“I agree. No scroll should leave the confines… but what about jurisdiction? Even if a copy is made, if the knowledge is worth enough I can see things…. Going missing.” Daxian returned.

There were several shrugs. They all knew that would happen. Something going missing was inevitable, and he wouldn’t put it past his fellows to attempt something later down the line. Xi Kong himself was tempted to see if he could sneak some of the ancient manuals away.

“Is this place not already under the control of the Commission? The Sects agreed that this palace is neutral ground. Could we not keep it that way?”

“We could, but the knowledge is worth too much. We would need to create a separate group to protect the archive. It would require a competent and trustworthy man to head such a division. Few would be even able to know…”

The Elders trailed off.

Guo Daxian the Elder looked at Bao Wen. Several other heads also turned in his direction.

“It’s a big promotion, for such a young lad.” Xinling murmured.

“He will have to be impressed with the need for secrecy… but I suppose he’s an acceptable neutral party.” Elder Gang mused.

“He does require a reward for discovering this place.” Elder Shu muttered.

Xi Kong held back a sigh. He could see the calculating gleam in the eyes of his fellows, no doubt already thinking of offering bribes to “cut the queue” as it was.

Bao Wen… well, he was lucky, but there were always those who wished for that sort of luck.

Bao Wen flipped to another scroll and nodded. He shifted his body.

The barriers hummed and died. The machine snapped off with a hiss.

Every Elder heaved a sigh of relief.

“Excellent work, Bao Wen.” Guo Daxian stated, nodding firmly at the mortal. The boy flushed as several Elders nodded their heads in praise. “A fine show, child. Rest now. The Elders of the Azure Hills will pay their debts.”


Huizong was in a terrible mood.  First, he had been trapped in his office for nearly eight hours. Eight hours with an increasingly skeptical Master and irate Lady of the Azure Jade Trading Company. The entire mountain had rattled and shook, and each time had set his hear pounding.

At least they were somewhere comfortable, nothing untoward happened …. save for when water suddenly started pumping through long unused pipes and into basins that now held extra storage. He’d had to scramble to get everything out.

All he could do was wait. He managed to catch some sleep, fortunately, but it was in his chair. The couch was surrendered to Lady Daiyu… who then surrendered it to her husband, citing his bad back. She ended up in another chair. The woman simply worked through the night, on a little travel desk she had brought with her. Steadily working through documents one at a time as if nothing at all was the matter.

When Huizong woke in the morning, Master Guan was going over the papers his wife had worked on and nodding his head, and occasionally writing something beside them, checking over sums and figures.

He was just starting to get really hungry when the doors finally opened.

A deluge of servants immediately poured in.

His entire day, needless to say, was ruined. He was angry, hungry and sleep deprived. He ushered Lady Daiyu and her husband out then sat down to report after report of the unfolding disaster outside. Damages to the town unseen in decades, whispers of an assault on the Shrouded Mountain Sect and their manor, the entire Earthly Arena levitating—

And the Elders were still nowhere to be found.

It was enough to drive a man to drink.

One of his men dashed into the room as the afternoon sun beat down. “Sir, the other sections of the mountain have reopened,” he said. “The Elders are on their way.”

Huizong breathed out in relief at the news and prepared himself. True to his man’s word, the cultivators entered moments later and were already deep in discussion.

“Master Cultivators! Esteemed Elders of the Azure Hills!” Huizong called out standing to greet them from his table with a smile. “It's good to see you again, after… well. The entire mountain is in an uproar, I dare say you have a tale to tell, so…” he trailed off leadingly. He hoped it wasn’t anything serious.

“They may cease their uproar. The mountain has been quieted and Guo Daxian of the Grand Ravine Sect guarantees there is nothing dangerous.” Guo Daxian declared.

“As does the Verdant Blade Sect. An old formation was activated, but it has been safely disabled.” Cai Xi Kong said from beside him. Huizong noted the power shift. Normally it was Azure Horizon who spoke next.

“There is nothing to worry about then? No threat to the mountain?”

“None at all.” Daxian reiterated.

“Excellent! Excellent! There is just… one other thing.” Huizong said. The Elder raised an eyebrow and gestured for Huizong to continue.

“There… there was a battle yesterday. A large one that shook the streets of the town. I have seen the damage myself and it is severe, but we’re getting conflicting reports as to the nature of it. As His Majesty’s humble servant I would politely request if the Esteemed Elders of the Azure Hills could aid Him in shedding light on the situation.” Huizong said, rubbing his hands together.

“Conflicting reports?”

“Yes, ah…. They say that it involved the Shrouded Mountain Sect.”

That got all of their attention.

“As you say, Lord Director. We shall see what this is all about.” The cultivators looked at each other. “We shall get to the bottom of this shortly.” Daxian the Elder declared.

And then the Elders left as abruptly as they had arrived.

Huizong sighed and leaned back in his chair. The entire situation was a nightmare.

The one bright spot is that the bastard cultivators had decided to actually help repair the town. He had questioned the report, but his men swore that it was true. Cultivators, taking responsibility for their actions and doing mortal work!

Actually… he could work with that… That might make a good story. Cultivators have a fight then repair the damage!

Huizong snorted. A most fantastical story indeed.


The march down from the mountain was conducted in silence. They exited from the main entrance, and strode down the streets, past the sect manors. There were bits of rubble, but it was probably nothing. Mortals often mistook the severity of their fights. It was more likely to be a minor drunken brawl, but the fact that the Shrouded Mountain Sect was involved was very concerning—

Naturally, none of them were prepared for what they saw when they came to the main square.

The cultivators of the Azure Hills, the Young Masters and Mistresses were… cleaning up.

They were repairing the damage to a  square that looked like a Spiritual Level technique had gone off in it. The damage was half-fixed, but the telltale signs of heavy combat remained. Stones had been shattered. The street collapsed in one location. Several buildings had holes in them, and there was a fountain that had been completely demolished. It clearly was not just a mere drunken brawl.

Much heavier combat than any of them had been expecting.

Needless to say, it surprised all of them.

Several of the children were sitting around, laughing and joking with mortals as they worked. An independent cultivator shoved a brush through a gutter, cleaning it of garbage and filth, to the disgust and disapproval of the Elders.

“They dare lower themselves to this?” Elder Shu demanded. He looked like he wanted to stomp over and pluck his boy up by the ear for doing mortal’s work. “The other provinces already call us almost mortals, and here they are, acting like them!”

Xi Kong could feel the disapproval among the gathered Elders rise.

The mood had turned sour. A couple of the boys closest to them, from the Rumbling Earth were laughing—until they felt the intent of their Elders.

Just what had happened last night?

The boys froze mid work and seemed to realize who was watching them. The mortals sensed the change and they too paled. The Masters of the Sects had arrived.

The square slowly became silent as the Elders took everything in.

The disciples of the Aure Horizon, Rumbling Earth, and Greywater Sects looked at the ground.

“What is going on here?” The Elder of the Azure Horizon Sect asked, spearing his son with a look. The boy dropped his chisel.

“”We are... Fixing the street, Fath—Sectmaster.” the boy immediately corrected

“And why does the street need to be fixed, disciple?” The man asked again.

The boy swallowed and looked at the ground.

“There was a drunken brawl, Father.” A voice called out. Guo Daxian the Younger approached, his shirt obviously hastily put back on.

“A brawl?” Elder Gang asked skeptically. He looked down an alleyway and at a destroyed shop within.

The boy licked his lips.

“Yes Father. A brawl. Officially.”

Murmurs broke out at the boy’s words among the Elders. They glanced around at the other disciples, who were all nodding their heads. They were ramrod straight, and were most certainly lying. The Elder of the Grand Ravine Sect raised an eyebrow.


“Yes, Father.” The boy remained stoic.

Guo Daxian the Elder stared at his son.

“Then how about these sons and daughters of ours come inside, and explain to us this… ‘drunken brawl’.”


Behind closed doors… The Elders of the Azure Hills were politely informed by several of the younger generation what had happened. The Elders sat at a curved table, with the disciples placed between them, surrounded on all sides. Daxian the Younger took the lead.

“They what?” Cai Xi Kong demanded. Thirty two blades grew into existence behind him. Blood leaked out of the corner of his mouth and every vein in his head bulged out. He knew he must look grotesque.

They attacked his guests, they assaulted his daughter—His teeth clenched.

Xi Kong had half a mind to go out and get her, but he bit his tongue.

The rest of the hall was silent.

“What happened next?” Daxian the Elder demanded.

“Rou Tigu escaped with the aid of Cai Xiulan and happened upon Tie Delun—who joined the fray. The fight continued into the square where the rest of us were gathered. The last arrived fleeing Liu Xianghua. Zhou Yingwen attempted to threaten us against interfering.”

Daxian the Elder placed his hand over his eyes and massaged them.

You interfered.

“Yes father.”

You interfered with the Shrouded Mountain Sect.”

The boy swallowed. “I did, Father.”

Guo Daxian the Elder simply kept massaging his temples.

“Who else joined in?” Elder Gang of the Rumbling Earth Sect asked, though he looked resigned to his answer. The boy stayed staring straight ahead.



“Every cultivator in the square, every sect in the Azure Hills intervened on Rou Tigu’s behalf. From the Verdant Blade to the Framed Sun Sect and the Rumbling Earth Sect. Everybody.”

The hall was silent as the grave. Xi Kong’s gut churned at the glares sent to the younger generation. The entirety of the Azure Hills rising against the Shrouded Mountain Sect was an unforgivable insult. There would likely be war for this.

And nobody could throw anybody else under the weight of the mountain coming towards them. If all of their disciples had intervened…

“You said… it was officially ‘just a drunken brawl’. I take it you mean that The Shrouded Mountain Sect agreed to this?” Another Elder asked, skeptical.

It was a good point. If the Shrouded Mountain considered this a brawl and not an affront…It would at least keep the Elders away. The younger generation though.

Guo Daxian the Younger shuffled uncertainly. “Yes. Rou Tigu’s Master arrived last night. He put a stop to everything, and, well…” The boy swallowed. “It would be better to ask the expert yourself, Father.”

“He just showed up and commanded the Shrouded Mountain Sect to stop?” He confirmed.

Daxian the Younger looked incredulous. The other disciples glanced up at the elders, looking similarly baffled. “You did not feel his strength?” Daxian asked. “You did feel the world shudder with his passing?”

The Elders went silent.

“We were deep within the mountain, seeing to a separate matter at the time.” Daxian the Elder explained. The boy shuffled again, uncomfortable.

“Father, did our Ancestors not say to listen when the Land speaks?” The boy said, making a strange sign with his hands. The Master of the Grand Ravine’s focus sharpened.

“They did.” Daxian the Elder said, watching his son carefully.

“Last night, the land spoke. I would have been a fool not to listen.”

The strongest Elder in the meeting considered his son’s words, before making the same sign.

“Is there any way we can meet this expert?” He asked.

Daxian the Younger nodded.

Three went to meet with the Master who had stopped the fighting.


Of all the things to expect, as Guo Daxian the Younger led them to the streets to an expert, it would not have been this. At least Xi Kong had seen his daughter, whole and hale, speaking with the rest of her students.

That at least had  drained some of the tension from his shoulders.

“Where is this Master?” Elder Gang asked, frowning around the street.

“Guo Daxian pointed.

A large, tanned man had a child on his shoulders, the girl eagerly hammering a nail into a new construction.

“That's it. You got it, Ning.” he said encouragingly, she threw her body into each blow, grinning.

Tanned skin, instead of pale. Freckled blemishes adorning his cheeks.  A body built like a bandit, instead of lithe grace. The man looked nothing like a cultivator at all.

And yet… there he was.

Men wearing Shrouded Mountain Sect robes swept the street behind him.

Elder Gang, who had still been unconvinced, hunched his shoulders and swallowed thickly. There was no guards. They were not tied up. They were sweeping the roads diligently, and without complaint.

This was the Hidden Master that his daughter had spoken of.

The Three elders were frozen as Daxian the Younger shifted uncomfortably.

The little girl finished hammering in her nail.

“Great Job, Ning. But you gotta get down for a minute, okay?”

The girl on top of his shoulders pouted as the man gently set her down.

“I’ll be back later though. I promise, kay?” He held his pinky out to the child, who with all seriousness took it.

“You’d better!” she commanded impetuously. The man laughed.

He rose and waved her off.

The expert took a breath and glanced at the Elders. There was a gentle summer breeze—

And then all of them froze.

One moment, the man was nothing. The next…

They all felt very, very small.

They all realized exactly what Guo Daxian the Younger had been talking about.

As the farmer looked at them, so too did something that encompassed the entire town.

“Yingwen, with me please.” One of the Shrouded Mountain Sect disciples dropped everything he had, presumingly this Yingwen, and bowed his head to the man.

The man, this Master Rou, turned to them.

“Let's talk.” He stated simply.



The last post I hated working on and loved when It was done. This post I just hated working on.

Sorry everybody for taking so long on this, and for the relative lack of communication. I think I may have to take a day off to reset. I'll make a post on it tomorrow morning.

That said, we are nearly at the end of this book! I would say a week or two left. The ending is wrapping up and setting the stage going forwards. In the endzone now. Letts see if I can work this right!


King Eater

Gotta love refreshing after you finished the last chapter, just to see the new one appear!


I really liked this one. Can't wait for the talk with the sect masters and Jin


I've been looking forward to this for awhile!


Always fun seeing Jin from other peoples perspectives


It's a good transition chapter. If the quality of your work has suffered, I haven't noticed. The consistency is one of the reasons I don't mind the occasional irregularity.

William H

Every line break gave me a little heartache thinking the chapter was done. I loved every bit if this.

Geoffrey Reed

I can’t wait for Monday’s chapter.


I personally have loved the last few chapters but if you feel like you need a break, I encourage you to take one! Rest and mental health are important, your readers can wait an extra day or two before the next chapter.


You might hate these, but I think they're absolutely incredible. Thank you for another great chapter.


Great chapter! Last few have been great too. Really fun to read this all. Thanks for posting!

Andrew Fox

Man, ever since he and the body's original owner combined he's become a lot more badass and I love it


I’m not in love With this chapter, but it’s used as a set up for the payoff in the future. Once the book is finished I think the chapter will be solid. Also the recent chapters have been consistently great and this one looks to be the same.

Alex McGregor

Brown Pants for everyone /laugh

SanMarco Geddes

Keep up the awesome work! Loved the chapter.

Eric Hicks

Lovely chapter. If you need a break by all means take your time... if you try to rush an artist or dictate their work... I don't know what you'll end up with but it probably won't be their best work.

Sebastian Osterbrink

It seems that the grand ravine sect remembers Tianlan Shan if they use "it the land speaks" as a code phrase


This is a VERY rare story for me - one where I actually LOVE the occasional chapters from a non-MC perspective. Normally, I heavily dislike constant perspective shifting. But this story is one in which it works incredibly well for me. Great chapter!

Empty Shelf

“Last night, the land spoke. I would have been a fool not to listen.” -Ah, so they Remember...


I have quite enjoyed the story. Keep up the good work. I love the story and appreciate your hard work. The toughest days are when we force ourselves to work through. I like the progression and the character build up and the side characters reaction to the protagonist. 😁👍


The cliff is steep but I love the transition chapter. I can't wait to see more of the Elders reactions to Jin and his simplicity and power. But take the break if you need it.


Love it


Last few chapters are awesome

Joel Bullock

Dont worry mate I really enjoyed this chapter


So worth the wait!

Albert Garcia

Lol finally. I've been waiting for these Elders to meet Jin. Lmao they're upset they're getting along and working alongside mortals Take all the rest you need


Can you explain who was meeting with the Guo Daxian youth cause it sounds like a combination of Grass elders and Daxian Elders?


All were present to listen to the explanation. Grass, Daxian, and one other elder (Gang) whose sect I'm unsure of met with Jin at the end.


Fa Ram is about to officially become a sect in the Azure Hills and Jin's Farm is about to get lots of regular visitors. Guo Ren might have to enlarge his shack for more guests. Meanwhile the magistrate is going to have an upset stomach.

Nicholas Grey

“Guo Daxian pointed. - no need for the “ at the beginning.


And they finally meet the "hidden expert."


F.U.N. Fantastically, Unbelievably, Nice. (Sorry had no better word for ‚N‘


Fantastic update!!


All The elders were there.


Oh dang, they actually get to meet him! I thought for awhile they would be entranced with the stuff inside the mountain until such time the town was completely fixed and Jin had meandered back to the Farm and the elders would have been confused at the changed town and wild stories all their kids told them


I got the feeling no matter what you right we will enjoy it and go with it. Keep up the great work you book is awesome!


Loved this, I loved all your chapters man. This is great.

The Lost Pages

Love Thales chapter. It had me giggling in delight.


Thanks for the chapter! Take a break, maybe schedule something specific every month. I know a lot of authors do, I don't think most mind when it's predictable. 3 chapters a week is a pretty ambitious schedule to maintain.


Thanks for the chapter.

Osamaru Ta

QAQ Where's the next chapter?! it won't appear!


Gonna put the base for the future, begin of unification of the verdant hill, new hidden power and society(sect?) and new master of verdant hill but unknow to outsider (Jin and maybe his senior brother of cloud sect gonna have a role in this reshuffle of this land :), regeneration of the land (formation and knowledge like dance and some Jin modern knowledge and shit) and begin of grow, and it begin with Lanlan grouping the different young master of the sects and they go in a hidden school trip period (unknow to all other like the elder except them) to jin place to learn the "correct" way :) "And so the great Ancestor, Shennong, commanded his disciple in the ways of preparing the fields. Till the land. Cut down the trees. Divert the waters—’ [BREAK THE ROCKS]"


Thanks for the chapter! I love how Jin had the little girl helping out, how the elders reacted to everything. I know the dialogue will be harsh, and this may get rewritten somewhat, until you get something you're happy with, but it definitely seems like logical reactions through and through, so it all made sense to me lol :D and taking time to make a good chapter in your eyes is always worth it to us man


Take a break if you need to, or if you just want to. Even if it doesn't feel like it, you've been killing it with the recent chapters.


They definitely felt Jin shake the Earth, it just coincided with giant mechanisms shifting too.


The very definition of power used correctly.

Newguy Roy

How about chapters on tuesday and thursday every other week?

Robert Burchette

Loving your work, great chapters as always! Still, as much as I enjoy Rou Jin casually breaking all expectations, I cant wait to be back to the farm. Simple living FTW! 😁

Bonifacio Mario Peña Jr.

Who's going to be at this meeting? Lady Daiyu, the Magistrate, all the sect masters, Yingwen, and Jin?

Torbjørn Nilsen

If you need to, take a week or a month off. I love reading this series every week, but I would rather wait than have you crash and burn, for so to dissapear of the face of the earth. Just remember to take the time off, and not work to prepare chapters the entire time :) Seen too many authors here go on a break, then coming back more tired than ever.


I hate to see you have a hard time writing. I don't really see a problem with the last two chapters. Then again there have been quite a few chapters that you have redone that in my opinion have all come out quite a bit better than I thought possible. So... what I guess I'm getting at is that I'm fine with these as is (I quite like them in fact), but if YOU think you can do better i think the wait is worth it. Please don't stress too much about it though. (I wont tell you to not stress at all. I get the impression that you wouldn't follow THAT advice.)

brandon sharky

I am enjoying this story so much it never stops being amusing to read about everyone having to come to terms with the existence that is jin rou


The Azure Hills will be renamed Faram, BiDe will be the head of it, and Jin the hidden ancestor behind him.


You got this, bro. I'm enjoying the eff out of EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER. So what if it takes longer for them to come out. I'm here for the long haul

Some person

“The last post I hated working on and loved when It was done. This post I just hated working on.” In this case the chapter dose it’s job and moves the story along and it looks like the interesting stuff is about to happen!


I'm not sure about being a sect but if the magistrate isn't vomiting blood at every report he gets about this he's a stronger man then I.


Another great chapter.


I cant wait to see the magistrate reaction when he hear what happened


Writers really are perfectionists, this was a great chapter.


Thanks for the chapter! :)


I think Casual is getting burnt out. You should take a breather my friend. The sudden surge of patreons should not agitate you. Quality will always be compensated and dedication… amply rewarded. Take your time and enjoy your work.


Little Ning on Jin's shoulders!

Alexis Lionel

You may have hated working on this, but it was enjoyable! I love the incredulity of the Elders, though I think focusing on Xong might have been the wrong time. He's the most likely not to... Be a complete bellend toward Jin in their thoughts, but it does also take away from the sheer "the audacity to make my son/daughter CLEAN LIKE A MORTAL!" that probably went through so many minds. Would have loved to see that, and how that voice got so tiny when they realized "Oh, he could destroy this entire dueling peak... I think I pooped myself"


Please, Write the story that you want. Its what I assume I have been reading so far, and it is absolutely wonderful.

Calico C

This chapter was fantastic. But I gotta say burnout is awful. I’ve also been suffering from it bad all this last month. I even took a sick day for it a couple days ago despite always feeling guilty for staying home when I’m not actively puking. Take a rest. Like others have been saying, take a month or two off. All the readers want is an approximate time you’ll be back. The people who pay for the advance chapters will unsubscribe. Me and many others are paying because we love this story to pieces, and want to support you in whatever way we can. Thank you so much for the what you’ve already given us. :)


“Last night, the land spoke. I would have been a fool not to listen.”


I got goosebumps.


I can see that you didn’t like to write this chapter. It has a few rough edges that previous chapters you wrote also had before a rewrite. I‘d hate it because I really like this story, but take a break if you need it. End of month is coming, so you could announce it and patreons can decide if they want to stay, so no need to worry about them


Elders; I thought he'd be taller Jin; [ALMIGHTY LOOM] Thanks, burnout sucks, don't feel forced, trust yourself, remember Yoda; "do or do not; there is no try", if it requires you to force yourself, you're doing it wrong! Try to make what you see as positive pure; it's yours to define after all.


CF is dreading that next chapter lol. So much conversation

Bonifacio Mario Peña Jr.

Taking a break from writing to relax and recover is better than stopping permanently because of burn out. Even the most entitled fan understands this. I hope you acknowledge and focus on getting better. Unless of you're trying to channel the bone deep weariness into an arc, then you should keep your health and wellbeing a physical and mental priority.


If wrapping up this book takes more time and focus per chapter, why not go to 2 days per week until it is done. And then at least a week break between books?


Honestly don't worry too much about taking days off here and there. The story is amazing and your content is of both great quantity and quality. Seriously you write more then most. Also when you do a rewrite of a chapter.... have that be the chapter and don't grind yourself to a nub trying to do that AND get out another chapter.


I think I've had to say this a few times the last week and a half or so.... And this time is just as true as the last time. This is my new favorite chapter.

Purple Floof

Another banger, take all the time you need!




There's always something so Cathartic when you watch Honor Harrington's definition of surprise in action, "Surprise is when you've seen something, and realize far too late that you saw wrong." And man has that occured a lot over the last few chapters. XD


Well done! All the hard work is done, now is the time of filling in the cracks and polishing the woodwork.


Dont get burn out please. I wrote 2 books in a year over a decade ago and burned out hard enough I still have not picked the pen back up for anything longer than a couple pages of story.


Sounds like you need a break! What you’ve made so far is amazing, and I need some time to go back and reread it anyways :P (In all seriousness, burnout’s real and mental health is important. I know I for one will gladly stick around for a couple months if you need to take a serious break. Just don’t forget to come back, I love this story and can’t wait to see where it goes!)


Take all the time you need. BoC is a treasure that warms my heart wherever it comes out. It’s worth the time- get rest. We’ll wait!


Love this chsppy, even more than the last

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter.


“Guo Daxian pointed. Random quotation mark artifact here.


If you need to rest, do so. Your work is delightful and I doubt anyone would fault you for taking the time you need to recharge.


Loved the Chapter. Great resolution so far. It's been a real pleasure to read.

Quentin Long

You're doing fine, CF. For what it's worth, I recommend you take some time off of this; if BoC ever becomes an onerous burden, rather than a way-cool thing you love doing, that would be a Bad Thing. So… a bit of time off, to recharge the batteries, to just <i>do</i> stuff unrelated to BoC.


for some reason imagining you spitting blood while typing furiously at a typewriter and then needing to rest for a few days, because you had to channelling your inner cultivator in to dialogue makes me chuckle!


In all seriousness, BoC is too good to lose to burnout. If you need a break, take it. Relax, refresh, recharge, and come back when it excites you again.

Alex Flint

BoC is really good and I'm always happy to see a new chapter. Please take as much time as you need, just don't burn out

Ranger Science

I’ve been giggling the entire time. I’m still giggling. It’s… Joyous. And refreshing.


That delightful moment when your merrily flying towards a moon. Only to realise... it's not a moon. And it's LOOKING at YOU. I'm pretty sure that took a decade off the lives of all three elders.


Thank you for the chapter! I dont know if you take editing corrections (not sure if am correct anyway) or not but here I go: "would occasionally crack the threads of men"-&gt; "crack the heads of men" “You did feel the world shudder with his passing?”-&gt;"You did not feel the world shudder with his passing?"

Will Iam

Agreed, if you need time tell us and take it, at least I prefer that you maintain the quality that you have rather than push forward and force yourself.


This novel is as good and well written as the wandering inn( for me best novel ever written) thanks so much!


Last chapter was up there with the best ones of the story for me while this one felt like filler. So I can‘t really tell if it‘s the schedule taking a toll on you, but if it is I agree with the posters above me that prefer quality over quantity.


Just as an Idea: You could try to cut your weekly chapters down to two to gain a little more time to write plus if Inspiration strikes and you write more you could build a backlog so your not as bound by your Schedule when its hard to write


Pls excuse my not as great English


Thanks for the chapter. Editing: "There was no guards"-&gt; "There were no guards"


Will there be a book 2 ?


I loved this chapter

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for this amazing chapter Casualfarmer!


I get the worry that your numbers will take a hit if you ease off at all, but I suspect that most of the loss will be made up by the ongoing gain. The greater risk is getting burnt out and hitting a wall. That would impact your patron numbers far worse in the long run.


True. There's a reason why most authors have a backlog - and a reason why usually people have 2 days at the weekend, 1 for stuff that needs doing and 1 to relax and have fun.


Take a break man! Don’t burn out on this. One of my favorite authors has to take 3 months off randomly of not doing ANY writing related to his current project to keep the burn out at bay. You got time. Take a breather and let that grey matter rest for a bit!


Personal health, including mental health, is one of the most important things to us and should not be taken lightly. That includes overworking, working under to much stress, etc. And as has been mentioned before, maybe especially for creative people, it can lead to burnout. You are luckily in a position where, at least I would think so, you do not need to worry about your imidiate financial situation. So take breaks, take rest to recouperate and stay healthy. None of us, who support you, have an interrest in you working yourself to death. We want to bask in your creative output for years to come, otherwise we would not spend money on it. However, I have met people who only shine under pressure, so maybe you love these tight release schedules? Whatever you decide, I hope you are fine and I would love one day to listen to Big D and Jin on audiobook.

John Koor

Great chapter. It was a nice steady build up to the pompous masters being brought low by Jin.


Dude you take any break you need, we will still be here slavering like hungry dogs for scraps ;)


Whyyyy I want to read mooore

James Squibb

Thank you so much for all of your hard work! There is so much to wrap up. Please take all the time you need!


Man i wonder what author is gonna do with shrouded kountain sect. Is his gramps gonna go there and put the fear of a heaven ranked cultivator or are they gonna send a haughty overconfident elder to threaten jin and he contacta the cloudy sword sect to give em a lesson rofl. Or the smart move... to not do shit

Daniel Gesualdi

Loved the ending I like how jin the cultivator and Jim the famer have such different dimensions


Ah, gotta love how kids prefer being up high, be it on top of shoulders or climbing trees. They know no fear. It's a shame we lose some of that as we grow older.

Alex C

Hey everyone gets vacation. If you need a week take a week


Like no joke! I was a veritable monkey as a kid (gymnastics, rock climbing, tree climbing, dad climbing) then at some point I suddenly realized hights were scary and rock climbing wasn’t quite so fun anymore 😅


I don't want to discourage you at all, but I feel like a lot of this chapter was unnecessary. The scenes with the elders bartering and the spiritual affairs gay talking to the trading company seem like something that would be edited out in a book. They don't tell us all the much new or something that we needed to know. If you don't enjoy writing a scene in the future maybe contemplate if it is really necessary instead of tormenting yourself about it.


You may have disliked writing this but I loved reading it! thanks


Serious talks require serious aura, it's good seeing Jin catch on quick to matters with cultivators, better to let them know the pecking order than to stay modest and freak them out later. It's gonna be a crazy talk next chapter.


For many years I have read a great many stories, all extremely well written and great stories in both my opinion and others. Not once have I ever decided to spend what precious money I have on Patreon to read ahead, "when I can't afford it next month I'll just have to 'buffer' for even longer, better to just wait" your story is perhaps one of the single best ones I have ever read. It brings true joy to my heart. I don't know what issues you may be having but know that your story is well received and enjoyed fully an entirely. Thank you very much author and please *bows* if you have issues and must take a break do so, do not force yourself. I hope your future writing is as enjoyable to do, as it is for us to read.

Alex I

It is world building, assuming something happened compared to being told make for a very different feeling. This story is about being a close community, you lose that feeling when you treat the community moments as filler. Not everything needs to be action or a major plot reveal, so many books are just that and go on for a thousand chapters with even more empty feelings than these scenes.

Undead Writer

Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I love it!! Thanks for the chapter!!!


This chapter was amazing. Especially the last bit with Jin.


Great chapter!

Otter Pops

What happened to Chun ki. I thought he was the one that brought the earth spirit to the city?


These chapters are fantastic!

Otter Pops

Even if it is dream Chun ki he still made the trip. I rather hear about Chun Ki than a boring announcer.

Matt DiMeo

I feel like “impetuously” should have been “imperiously” or something else.


Love the story, as always, as to a break, my suggestion:finish book 2, announce a month break, then take a month off, write if inspiration hits, plan the next arc, etc, just relax and make us suffer withdrawal for a month, then come back refreshed, inspired, and if you did write, several chapters ahead so that the pressure is less.

Daniel Gesualdi

I could respect that writing is hard still gonna go through story withdrawals and reread the story for the nth time but do what you need to.


God, I've already reread the last couple sections with the elders like half a dozen times, lol.


Rou should learn to delegate. I'm sure Big D + Noodle would have done a great job at politicking

Lord Felidae

The issue is a matter of status. Rou is the master of his ‘sect,’ effectively the patriarchal founder. While Big D has the power, and Noodle the experience, neither are elders, and as such it could be interpreted as an insulting dismissal to have the sect elders meet with mere disciples, no matter how strong they might be. While sects like the cloudy sword could get away with it, that’s due to the difference in status equaling out. Rou Jin does not want to disrespect the elders, even if they couldn’t do anything against him.


You say you hate working on it. But this story is so great compared to others. This great powerful man being so humble and teaching humility. It's great. Thank you.

Jan Alexander

Let them feel the weight of the land! Hahaha