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Alright. some patch notes. I unfortunately had to do a small retcon, and remove the last section with the elders coming out with the dawn. That is the retcon that was made, and I apologize. in addition, this chapter has been completely reworked. The old version of this chapter will be swapped to DEFUNCT.



Xianghua felt hollow.

She always did after a fight. Like her insides had been scooped out and her emotions were more muted than normal. This time, she couldn’t even muster the energy for her act. She hadn’t raised her voice once, since Master Rou had arrived.

So, she worked.

Xiulan had been in poor condition when Tigu’s Master had brought her back. She’d had a horrible fever, her body was littered with angry burns, and a thousand other, smaller wounds.

She looked like she was about to die.

Xianghua had been frozen in place, staring at the enormity of the damage… until the little Doctor Ri Zu began squeaking angry orders that had them all racing off the street and into the Verdant Blade Sect’s manor. Ri Zu had recruited both herself and An Ran to assist her, while Gou Ren and his brother aided Tie Delun. They both swung into action at Ri Zu’s squeak, immediately cataloging wounds—but they had been taught differently than Xianghua had. They focused on more minor injuries cultivators were largely taught to ignore, as their bodies could handle the strain.

Xiulan, at Ri Zu’s command, was placed into a water bath, so as to begin cooling some of the heat raging in her body. The water had immediately warmed to the temperature of a hot bath and so An Ran, her arm in a sling, was sent to fetch more.

Poultices of herbs were produced from the bag that Tigu’s Master Rou had given to Ri Zu. Four of them, which revealed the extent of the damage. Xianghua had used only one and it had fully healed her after the bout with Tigu.

Ri Zu delegated this task to Xianghua, her larger hands able to spread the mashed spiritual herbs more easily, while the rat brought out a piece of chalk, and referenced a tiny notebook.

Reverse here for inject instead of siphon. This one will be water, this one will be to reduce, this one to intensify.’ Ri Zu muttered as she drew out a circle. ‘Miss Xianghua, may Ri Zu use your Qi? Ri Zu will use your water to attempt to help douse the fire within Xiulan.

Xianghua nodded. It was only right. So her hands were placed on Xiulan’s stomach and little Ri Zu guided her Qi while An Ran hovered nervously nearby, her eyes upon her Young Mistress.

It was rather amazing how swiftly Xiulan’s face went from an angry red colour to its normal one. Really, this rat was better at medicine than every spiritual doctor Xianghua had paid for! What sort of master was powerful enough to teach a rat such powerful formations and healing techniques?! “Senior Sister Meiling” was truly a woman worthy of awe and fear.

The power. The mountain, looming over her.

Xianghua imagined two of those mountains, and shuddered. Her lips quirked in pleasure as she imagined what was happening to the Shrouded Mountain Sect right now.

Xianghua and An Ran waited in silence while Ri Zu worked. The occasional groan drifted into the room from one of the other men as they too were administered to. There was a knock on the door. A female sect servant entered with a basket, and gasped upon seeing the Young Mistress. Xianghua took the towels and bandages from the woman.

“Get some bedding ready for the wounded. They will need space to recover. Inform any messengers that the sect is closed for the evening. I want no rumours, understand? Have the uninjured disciples take command of the watch. The elders will sort it out when they return ” She commanded. Orders she had no authority to give, but the shaken woman bowed her head and departed immediately.

It was around an hour, when Ri Zu paused and placed her fingers on Xiulan’s pulse. She was standing on the edge of the tub, her fur wet from when she dove into the tub to check on the other wounds.

Things have improved but… there is damage. Damage Ri Zu does not know how to fix. Xiulan’s Qi caught alight.

An Ran’s face fell and tears gathered in the corners of the young woman’s eyes. Indeed, the ignition of a member of the Verdant Blade Sect’s cultivation was the thing they feared the most. A normal cultivator in the Azure Hills had no real hope of accomplishing the feat. But one from the Shrouded Mountain, in the higher ranks of the Profound Realm, could manage it.

Xianghua grimaced.

“Young Mistress—Xiulan.” An Ran whispered. Her eyes unfocused and her face twisted. Xianghua carefully studied the expression, the… grief? Rage? A tricky, twisty thing that overtook An Ran’s face. “Those Shrouded Mountain Bastards. I’ll kill them all—”

Little paws clapped together, and An Ran jolted as if she had been slapped. Her eyes refocused on Ri Zu who was at her feet.

‘Miss An. Please help Ri Zu get friend Xiulan and make her comfortable, yes?’ Her voice was soft and full of gentle prodding.

“Ah.. um.. Yes.” An Ran said, placing a hand on her chest to calm her racing heart. Her snarl was gone and replaced with something small and lost, as she stared at her teacher. She hesitated for a moment, then started to carefully tend to Xiulan.

Her arm was still in a sling though, so her ability to assist the rat was limited.

Xianghua sighed and picked up the slack. She never thought in her life she would have to help Cai Xiulan into her robes.

They carried her up the stairs into the room that had been set aside for her. Xianghua looked around it, curious, after they pulled the covers over the woman. She was fast asleep. Her pained grimace had smoothed out to gentle breaths.

The room was largely empty. A bed, and a pack in the corner of the room. But one thing stood out. One of Yun Ren’s images, cast onto a piece of rock. Xiulan smiling with Gou Ren, Yun Ren, Master Rou, and a woman Xianghua didn’t recognise. All of them making stupid, childish faces.

She looked so blindingly happy and unguarded. Xianghua smiled at the image, and after An Ran finished brushing a few errant strands of hair out of Xiulan’s face, Ri Zu spoke.

‘Ri Zu will stay with Xiulan. Go, and rest. Ri Zu will call if she needs help.’

An Ran looked like she was about to protest and just stay. She glanced at the floor, as if considering sleeping at the foot of her Young Mistress’ bed.

Xianghua rolled her eyes, and caught An Ran’s arm, pulling the girl out of the room. They marched back down the stairs. The sky was slowly lightening, dispelling the darkness. It would be dawn soon, and Xianghua needed at least some sleep.

They entered the main room of the manor. The servants had done her bidding, getting in blankets and bedding for them to rest on. It was a large room, and could easily accommodate them all… but instead, everybody seemed to collect into little piles, cramming themselves together. Tie Delun, Rags, and Loud Boy, the most injured of them, were in a neat row off to the side.

Tigu had slumped over in between Gou Ren and Yun Ren, clinging to the rabbit and snake that had arrived with her.

It looked like quite a comfortable position.

An Ran stared at Gou Ren, flushed slightly, and went instead to rest with her fellow disciples.

Xianghua felt no such hesitation. The Heavens gave to the bold. It was foolish to give up an opportunity such as this. She marched over to where her Gou Ren was laying down, and gently pulled his bandaged arm up and away, careful not to aggravate any wounds, and planted herself beside him.

An eye cracked open and she smirked at him. He snorted and put an arm around her back, pulling her closer. Her eyes soon drifted shut.

She slept contentedly, waking only once in the night when the door opened and a servant came in to check on them. They paused in the doorway, and remained as quiet as they could so as not to disturb them unduly.

A warm summer breeze came in from the open door.

There was no feeling of threat. Only... she felt oddly safe.


Xianghua awoke to Gou Ren shuffling around and the sounds of chopping from outside the room.

She cracked open an eye. She was laying on Gou Ren’s chest. He had shifted to lay on his back during the night. He looked peaceful while he slept, his features calm, instead of twisted with anger.

Xianghua sat up. The room was bright, the sun long since risen. She directed a bit of Qi flowed around her hair, taking hold of the moisture in the air and giving her frizzed out hair a bit of dampness. She ran her fingers through it, flattening it back out. She glanced down at Gou Ren. His eyes were screwed up and he was stirring. His brother was awake and leaning against the wall with a cup of tea in his hands, his eyes closed tight and a sword in his lap, clearly meditating early in the morning as all cultivators should. Tigu was gone and she could hear the sound of someone moving outside the room. The scent of some kind of unfamiliar tea in the air.

Gou Ren shuffled slightly, turning again, and buried his face in her thigh. He groaned and pulled at the bandages on his arm, revealing unblemished flesh. The angry red lines and scars from last night were gone.

She returned to her study of his face.

Xianghua absently reached out and brushed a finger through his hair. Only roused to violence and anger when those he loved were in danger. He was, like she had said in the beginning, such a fool.

And her heart was beating faster again. His eyes cracked open and he leaned into her touch. They stared at each other smiling in the morning light. The moment was broken when the door opened again to admit someone, she heard soft shuffling footsteps.

There was a hoot from beside her. Xianghua turned her head to the servant interrupting, and paused.

It was a short, toddler sized creature. Its face was bright, pale blue, and its fur was muted gold. It had a necklace with a crystal on a string around its neck and a cup of tea in each hand.

A monkey.

Xianghua closed her eyes, rubbed them, and opened them again.

The monkey was still there. It hooted again, cocking its head to the side.

Gou reached around from behind her and took one of the cups.

“Thanks.” He said, nodding his head. Xianghua tentatively took the other cup. Not so much different than a medical rat, she supposed. “What's your name, buddy? I’m Gou Ren.”

The creature nodded its head and chattered.

“Nice to meetcha, Huo Ten. Thanks for the tea.” He said with a smile, raising his cup to the monkey. The monkey bowed and retreated.

Xianghua stared after it.

She heard Gou take a drink from behind her and make an appreciative noise.

She absently raised her cup and took a sip.

It was like nothing she had ever tasted before. Oddly earthy, with the undercurrent of lemongrass. It wasn’t bad, but she was more used to finer teas. It was delicious though.

Xinghua took another sip. She turned to Gou Ren.

“You understood that?” She asked curiously.

Gou Ren nodded. “He's got a bit of a strange accent, but yeah. You didn’t?”

She shook her head.

“Wonder why…” he muttered, trailing off.

“It's just cause they're both monkeys.” Yun Ren croaked out from beside them, cracking open his eyes to smirk at them.

Gou rolled his eyes, while Xianghua’s face went blank at the insult. She couldn’t measure the severity of the words yet, and the brothers seemed to like each other…. But she hadn’t figured out the fox-faced boy well enough to tell yet.

“And you’ve got a fox, so we’re even,” Gou said bluntly. “Where is that… spirit, anyway?”

“Said he would need to rest and recover his strength,” Yun Ren replied. His sword rattled. Yun Ren glared at it and grumbled. “Shaddup. It still makes no sense when you explain it. I’ll have to go out and practise.”

“You speak sword now too?” Gou Ren asked. Yun Ren shrugged and drew the sword. The pale grey of iron turned to purest white, the sword vibrating with Qi.

“It followed me home.” he snarked. The sword rattled a second time.

Gou Ren stared at the sword, then turned to his own hands. He sighed and leaned back.

“....you holding up okay?” He asked, his voice full of concern for his brother. Yun Ren sheathed the sword, and considered the question. Xianghua kept silent. A moment between siblings was to be respected. So instead she just closed her eyes, and enjoyed the feeling of Gou Ren’s arm around her waist.

Gou Ren’s brother sighed. “Dunno. But I think Jin and Meimei were onto something about this cultivation stuff. Bastards.”

They lapsed into silence at his declaration.

“Not everything about cultivation is bad.” Gou Ren muttered. Xianghua opened her eyes, to catch Gou Ren staring at her.

“Oh, this Xianghua is just not bad, is she?” She asked.

Goiu Ren’s eyes went from lidded to panicked—before he realised she was teasing him. He pulled her closer to him, and turned her so that she was leaning against him. She allowed it, for she was a kind and generous Young Mistress—and his blush was quite fetching.

“Where is Tigu?” Gou Ren asked, searching the room for the orange haired young woman.

“Outside with Jin, Miantiao, and Yin. Dunno where Bi De is, though.”

Gou Ren nodded. They all lapsed into silence, simply sitting together in the stillness of the late morning.

Some of the hollowness in Xianghua’s chest faded as she sipped her tea.

Slowly, the room roused to wakefulness. Xiulan’s students stirred one at a time, with An Ran in the lead. The smaller woman pulled off her sling and flexed her arm. Satisfied the break was healed she immediately stood, marching up the stairs to check on Xiulan. The rest of the Petals followed one at a time. They nodded to herself and the brothers, but their distraction was clear, as they rid themselves of bandages and slings, and in the green haired one’s case, an eyepatch.

Loud Boy woke soon after, grumbling and groaning before suddenly shooting bolt upright and clutching at his stomach.

His face fell and his eyes teared up—but he shook it away and went to check on Rags and Tie Delun.

For a brief moment, her brother’s face etched itself over the young, crippled cultivator’s. Xianghua closed her eyes. If Master Rou did not take him, Xianghua would offer the child a place in the Misty Lake Sect. Such loyalty and dedication should always be rewarded.

But there was still one problem. Just where were all the Elders? They had all, according to the snippets Xianghua had heard last night, departed for the Dueling Peaks and stayed inside the entire time. Had something gone wrong? Was the Earthly Arena rising into the air the omen of something worse?

Xianghua kept her thoughts to herself and finished her tea. The servants came in and cleared most of the bedding. The wounded were checked over, at the edge of the room. They put in a large table and set down plates and chopsticks. The Petals soon returned with Ri Zu to report on Xiulan.

‘Xiulan is improving. The fires have completely gone. Her temperature is normal, and her external wounds have fully healed.’ The rat reported. Xiulan’s students brightened, and Xianghua herself sighed in relief.

The smell of food from outside got stronger. It would probably be ready soon.

They seated themselves around the table. The Petals sat together, while Gou Ren sat with Loud boy, clapping him on the shoulder. Xianghua set herself beside him, while Yun Ren put away his sword. The monkey, Huo Ten, handed out more tea.

The back door opened and the smell of herbs, eggs, and meat intensified. Xianghua turned her head, her stomach rumbling, and froze.

For it was no servant bringing in the food, but Master Rou.

His face was calm. His terrifying Qi was absent, and such was his power that she could not feel a scrap of his strength. His control had to be something extraordinary to manage such a thing. He held a large wok, full to the brim in one hand, and a pot of rice in the other.

He was wearing a servant’s apron.

Completing the image was an orange mop of hair resting on his shoulder. Tigu was riding upon her Master’s back, her arms and legs locked to keep her in place. Her eyes were closed in contentment.

“Good morning, everybody.” He said as he strode over to the table and set down the food. There was… Realization? On An Ran’s face, while Loud Boy just stared, his jaw open.

Xianghua breathed in and put the absurdity of such a powerful expert cooking them food out of her mind to observe the proper protocols.

Xianghua’s hands came together in a salute, as she rose bowing her head. “This Xianghua pays her respects to Master Rou.” She declared as gracefully as she could. Her Gou’s Master raised an eyebrow, as the others chimed in after her, scrambling up to greet the man. He shuffled in place.

“Oh, right. Sorry for not introducing myself properly last night, but you needed your rest.” He cleared his throat and returned their respect. “This one is Rou Jin. It is a pleasure to meet you all. Just.call me Jin, okay?”

I’m Liang Yin! I helped make the food!’ A silver rabbit hopped up onto the table and nodded to the room. She looked at them all with what seemed to be curiosity. Now that Master Rou’s power was no longer overwhelming everything, Xianghua reached out, truly trying to feel the rabbit’s strength. It was not trying to hide. It blazed forth like the sun above at the fourth stage of the Initiate’s Realm.

Xianghua took a deep breath. A medical rat was one thing. But the way Tigu smiled and scooped the little beast up to snuggle made it look like Tigu’s pet had the same cultivation as she did.

She raised an eyebrow at ‘Miantiao’, the snake bowing politely. Xianghua returned it, of course. While the rabbit burned, the snake was reflective. She had a hard time feeling it, but it was weaker than the rabbit, of that she was sure.

The table was silent after the introductions finished. Master Jin took a seat at the head of the table, which had remained vacant.

“Jin… uh, what's going on, with… everything?” Gou Ren ended lamely, breaking the silence.

Master Rou—Jin sighed. “After everybody finishes eating, we’ll get to the heavy stuff, okay?”

The rest of the table agreed with the Master’s proclamation.

It was surreal. A tiger had tucked in his claws, and was pretending to be a house-cat. A tiger that was serving them all food and pouring their drinks like he was their junior.

He was an excellent cook, though. She supposed every old monster had to have some passtime.

“Are you the one from whom the Young Mistress learned to cook?” one of the Petals, Huyi, asked.

“Lanlan? Yeah. She got good fast. The only thing she could make when she first joined us was trail rations.” Master Jin chuckled. The diminutive nickname rolling off the man’s tongue. An Ran mouthed it in shock. Tigu was leaning into his side after she had served Loud Boy. The girl had fussed over him, and served him food, prodding at Ri Zu to examine him again. The rat had sighed and obliged. Xianghua could definitely see the resemblance between Tigu and MAster Jin.. The skin tone, a bit of the eye shape, and the bridge of her nose. Tucked in beside the powerful expert she looked more like a farmer’s daughter. Tigu looked hopefully at Ri Zu, but the rat just shook her head. Master Jin put an arm around her and pulled her into his chest, smiling fondly at her, though it was tinged with something Xianghua guessed was sadness and regret.

“Did the city hold you up?” Yun Ren asked as he shoved food into his mouth.

“A bit of the city, a bit of a miscalculation, we’ll say. You know that crystal Bi De had?” Yun Ren nodded. “Well, we were doing stuff with it and the crystal master said it would take three days, but it took longer because something about miscalculating energy density? Wiped me the hell out. And there was some stuff inside it, apparently.”

‘Yup! The cave went all wobbly, then I fought somebody but not really, and then there was a bunch of demons but not really, and I beat the shit out of them.’ The rabbit spoke, her voice refined like a court lady… save for her choice of words. The snake hissed ‘language’ at her scoldingly, but the rabbit forged on. ‘Then Brother Bi De kicked a Temple Dog in the face. It was pretty great!

The table went quiet again.

“I’ll explain it later.” Master Jin said, shaking his head and turning to look at the wok. “I was right, you guys were starving. The clay pot rice is almost done, I’ll—”

“I’ll get it.” Tigu said, looking up at him. The man nodded and ruffled her hair. Tigu hopped to her feet and skipped out of the room, the rabbit following after her.

An Ran seemed to be ready to ask a question when there was a long groan from a bedroll tucked in the corner of the room. The occupant was awake.

“Aww fuck.” A rough voice muttered.

“Rags!” Loud Boy shouted with glee, scrambling to his feet to check on the man.

Rags pushed himself up, squinting at the source of the noise, before his own face lit up. “Loud Boy! You little bastard!”

They clasped arms and Rags grinned brightly. “You little shit, I knew you would survive!” he said gleefully. He pulled the smaller boy into his arms, and thumped him on the back. After they parted, he looked down at his chest, and peeled back his bandages. His grin got brighter at the scarring.

“Paise Ri Zu! Ah, I feel good as new! Even the Shrouded Mountain Sect couldn't keep the Heavens Defying Rags down! HAHAHA!” He boomed with laughter, his hands on his hips. Yun Ren let out a cheerful whistle, and Gou Ren nodded at the man.

“Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better.” Master Jin said, smiling at Rags. The man jumped and squinted at Master Rou.

“Whoa, you’re a big fucker, aintcha?” Rags said, looking Master Rou up and down.

An Ran choked on her drink. Huyi slipped off the arm he was leaning on, bashing his chin on the table. Xianghua made a sign of prayer. Really, saying that to a man that powerful straight to his face—

Master Rou laughed at Rag’s words. “Yeah, I’m pretty tall, aren’t I?”

“Yeah, you are. As big as this bastard.” He gestured to Tie Delun, who groaned and also began stirring. Rags ruffled Loud Boy’s hair and looked at the rest of them, still staring with shock. His body tensed. “We won, right?” he demanded, “Where's Tigu?”

“Out back, getting the last of the rice.” Master Rou said, smiling at his question.

Rags burst into more laughter, wading over to the table, as Tie Delun glared at him.

“Ha, of course we won! And all thanks to the overwhelming tenacity of this “Rags” Dong Chou! I got a good hit in on one of those Shrouded Mountain bastards. Pop! Right to the gut, he flinched, that's right, he did!” Rags slammed himself down and immediately helped himself to some of the food, stuffing some of the vegetables into his mouth and hummed happily. “This is the good stuff! What about you, you manage to lay the hurt on those assholes? You look pretty good in a scrap. Whaddaya say about joining my crew? You get to join forces with the man who defied the Shrouded Mountain Sect!”

Rags didn’t see Loud Boy rapidly shaking his head, nor any of the Petals making “stop” motions. Tie Delun grunted, looking a bit confused by the reactions.

Master Rou just looked incredibly amused.

“Sorry. Don’t have time to join a gang. The Missus would have my head.” He said with a smile. “Thanks for the offer though.”

Rags sighed dramatically.  “A shame, a shame. Ah, I guess it's fine. You’re missin’ out, but a man gotta provide, or he ain’t no man, huh?”

Master Rou nodded sagely.

“What's your name, Big Guy?” Rags asked. Xianghua’s face hit her palms. He hadn’t even asked the man his name before asking him to join his gang!

Master Jin opened his mouth to speak, when the door opened and Tigu came in carrying an enormous pot of rice.

“That's the last of it— Rags! Handsome Man!” she shouted. She slammed the rice into the table and launched herself over it, tackling Rags, who laughed and ruffled her hair. Her hands ghosted over his chest where the bandages were, but the man didn’t wince. Satisfied, she switched targets, ramming into Tie Delun and holding him tight.

“Handsome man?” Master Jin asked, raising an eyebrow.

Tigu turned from where she was rubbing her cheek against Tie Delun’s.

“Yes, Master! Look, he is very pleasing!” She said, pulling up one of Delun’s sleeves and pointing to his face.

Rags choked on the food he had put in his mouth. Tie Delun’s face, once happy, transitioned to pale, as he turned to look at Master Rou.

…Master?” Rags asked, sounding like he was going to choke.

“Yeah. Rou Jin. nice to meet you, Rags… Handsome Man.” A smile spread across his face.

Tie Delun suddenly looked as if he was about to head into battle unarmed and unarmoured.

Tigu rubbed her cheek against his again.

The Master just laughed, and shook his head.


Eventually the food was finished. Rags was not stuck down for his disrespect, and went the longest without swearing Xianghua had ever heard him go—and she barely knew the man.

The table was cleared away and they all seated themselves before Master Rou. He should have looked comical. Tigu was in his lap. Maintiao had curled around his arm. Yin the rabbit was down Tigu’s shirt. And Huo Ten was sitting beside them, on his knees with his hands placed upon them, like a retainer.

Master Jin took a deep breath. He looked at them all. His face serious. The sunny demeanor gone.

“Please. Tell me what happened that night.” he asked gently.

Loud Boy was first.

He spoke of their adventure to the hill Little Pimple. Of the men who tried to take Tigu, and of them tearing open Rag’s chest. His eyes filled with tears at recounting the strike to his stomach that broke his cultivation. The strike had shattered his foundation, the Shrouded Mountain Sect’s superior cultivation transforming a blow meant to defeat him into one that broke him. Xianghua knew the scrolls said it was fixable… but it would be an arduous process.

The churning, oppressive power that had shrouded Master Jin at night, like a mountain rising up and going to war, did not flare up again.

But it was still there, lurking beneath the surface, but instead of glaring down at them, it felt… warm. Like laying on a grassy hill in the middle of the summer.

Xianghua was next. She told her story with the minimum of embellishment. There was no need to boast to a man who eclipsed her like a mountain eclipsed an ant. It was certainly an amusing and good thing to imagine. Her father, staring up at a giant and weeping blood.

Too bad he wasn’t here so she could actually see the expression of despair on his face as he beheld Master Jin, lowering himself to make them a meal and attending to them. Offering his lessers face and clasping Loud Boy on his shoulder to comfort him, his eyes full of compassion.

Oh yes. She would like this man and her father to meet.

It was in the back of her mind, as she recounted her tale. Her story was not as brutal as Loud Boy’s had been.

Master Rou had even let out a huff of amusement.

“You threw your bedroll at him?” he asked, a little smile on his face. Rags and Loud Boy both barked out laughs. An Ran looked scandalized. Yun Ren pulled Gou to him and ruffled his hair.

“Indeed. The Heavens will never forgive Zhou Yingwen for interrupting a maiden so crassly.” She stated seriously.

Absolutely unforgivable.” Master Rou agreed his smile wide. His his eyes flicked to Gou Ren and he nodded.

“....you approve?” she ventured.

“It’s not my place to approve.” the man said with a shrug. “But you fought for him, that’s enough.”

He was a strange Master. But… well. Her recounting got a bit more boisterous after that. It cut some of the tension. She noticed there were little smiles on people’s faces.

Then it was Ri Zu and Tigu’s turn, and the mood blackened as they told their tale. Tigu rose from her place in his lap, sat in front of Master Jin to recount her part. Ri Zu interjected,a nd told her tale as well. Her voice strong, and largely devoid of emotion. And then it was done.

Master Rou’s eyes closed. He took a breath.

When he opened his eyes, they had a hint of sadness in their depths.

He rose from his seated position, onto his knees—

The powerful expert pressed his head to the floor, kowtowing before them all.

Xianghua took in a sharp breath. Loud Boy gaped.

Thank you. Thank you all.”

This kind of event only happened in stories. A powerful Master thanking those who he was so above. In tales where foolish heroes bested the odds, and managed to win, simply because of their virtue.

He raised his head, conviction burning in his eyes.

“I swear, I’ll do my best to make all this right.” He declared. “I owe you, all of you, a debt for this.”

Xianghua couldn’t find it in herself to doubt his words.

The man returned to his seat, allowing them a moment. None of them knew what to do. None of them knew what to say to such an oath.

And yet Master Jin continued on.

“Now… the Shrouded Mountain Sect… well. They have a lot to deal with right now. They shouldn’t have any grounds for retaliation at the moment… but that's something your Elders also need a say in.”

“Where are all the old bastards anyway?” Rags asked.

“The Mountain is shut. I checked it last night, but the whole place was crawling with officials and the inner vaults are completely sealed,” Master Rou stated. “Bi De is keeping an eye on things for me.”

Xianghua nodded, and saw a pensive expression on Tie Delun;s face. Something truly must be urgent for the mountain to still be closed off, and it confirmed the rumours. Both would have to return to their sects soon.

“Um… Master Jin? What should we do?” An Ran asked.

Master Jin considered for a moment before he shrugged. “That's for you to decide. Until more stuff happens, I have to go to the Azure Jade Trading Company.”

“Are they holding some manner of treasure for you?” Loud Boy asked, looking interested.

“Nah… I need to buy some wood. I kinda… exploded a house on the way here. I need to fix that.” He stated as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Beside her Gou tensed up.

“Uh… Jin? You wanna add some paving stones and stuff to that? I’ll pay you back, but I kinda… smashed a couple walls and stuff…” he trailed off.

Master Jin nodded. “Yeah, let's go assess the damage and wait for the old men to come out from their secret vault.”



Alright. I'll do my best for today's chapter! But it may be tomorrow. hopefully this one improves upon the last chapter, and fixes a lot of the issues. Though Jin's thoughts were important, they'll be happening later.



Can someone explain this earth spirit stuff? Is it meta or did I just forget reading about it?


Okay I liked this version of the chapter much much better. There were parts in the last like how the elders just randomly weren’t around and that the time rewinded back that didn’t make much sense. Also I approve of the scene with Tie Delun and Rags meeting the Father.


I much prefer this version of 87. The interaction bewteen Rags and Jin is fantastic.


The earth spirit has been here for a while she is the one who head butts xiulan when she is trying to force the connection while she stays at Jin's house. I am pretty sure she is the one who checks on the fish (forgot his name again) while he is with the turtle. Jin's mantra of we give to the earth and the earth gives back. has been the process of Jin healing the Qi of the earth and it has finally got enough strength to do things again. Edit for grammer (also not well editing but I fixed one thing) but also to add this note please someone correct me if I have said anything wrong.


Great update! Really liked this chapter


Not gonna lie : I liked the previous version, but this one is even better. More grounded and more "Jin", if that makes sense?


This is great! Definitely seems more like himself, in this version.


Much better

Lictor Magnus

As always when you do this, I was perfectly fine with the original, but your decisions to change things up made things even better.


I liked the last chapter, but something felt a bit off. This chapter is amazing. It keeps the humor that I think was missing before while not losing any of the gravity. Excellent work! Also, I know I don't speak for everybody, but I don't think you should feel obligated about the next chapter. We all love your work and support you, and this chapter was obviously very involved.


Not going to lie I kind of miss the menagerie scene

Alex McGregor

This is much better I think, nicely done


Good God. Everytime you say "I'm not happy with this" I think " it's great I don't see how it could be much better" and then you pull something like this off. this was freaking amazing.


I prefer this version


This felt better. I can't point at why, but it just felt better.


This chapter feels way better. I just hope we won't have to wait until the next book for Xiulan to get better.


I happened to enjoy the first edition of this chapter, but this version feels more solid and flows better. Thanks for the story :)


Yeah this flows better with how the story is normally told. It doesn't feel as rushed with telling the story.

Thomas Underwood

Thebother chapter was okay. But this chapter was great. It felt like a full chapter. Thansk for the hard work.


Great chapter. Much better than the other one imo. Thanks for the redo!


There are bits that I like better in this, and frankly there were bits in the first version that I liked better. Frankly I liked Jin stopping by the gate and finding out about the elders. And I liked jin coming into the inn fully powered and checking on everyone while asking for details about what happened. Frankly it makes more sense that he kowtows to the kiddies while radiating massive amounts of qi than it does for him to do so when he is indistinguishable from them and just made them breakfast. Yes the second is more in character, but the first is more honor to kiddies. I liked the detail in this. I liked the housekeeping aspect of this. The sense of camaraderie among the young cultivators. I’m glad the who section about the inn and the prisoners is gone. As I am happy the contemplating about killing is gone too.


I like this version.


Large improvement


The last version was good, but this one feels so much more in focus for not only the story but the writing style you go with that makes this such a good read. Thanks for not only worrying about quantity, but a great quality too! Love your story a TON!

Manu Sniter

Great rewrite, love the details.


Thank you for the chapter :D


This one feels more de-escalating. Very nice! Thanks for your incredible dedication to writing, I know it can't be easy. The story's amazing, though, I hope you keep at it! :D

Dale Tucker

Oh this one was treat to read! I also ship Xianghua and Gou Ren. Though I don't know about Tigu and Handsome Man. I think Tigu is still to young for romance


A good chapter, the rewrite adds a lot more

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter. Wondering what chapter the retcon on the Elders coming out is?

Stefan Mensink

Very nice. This is the kind of stuff that makes this novel good.


I agree with the other comments. This feels very focused, especially after how hectic the previous chapters were.


Excellent rewrite


Much better. This is what I was wanting originally.


I like this version much better. We’ve had 86 chapters of building up just how powerful Jin is with only unintentional flexes. Now that we have an intentional showing of his power the wider world needs a chance to react to it. The previous version was a good rest chapter, but this one keeps the ball rolling for the elders meeting Jin in the coming chapters. The original version of dawn was good, but it would fit much better when we actually need to catch our breath instead of when we’re hanging off every word, begging for more. Once all the dust has settled and all parties have had a chance to take in the new reality that Jin just enlightened them to, then a rest chapter would be perfect.


Damn. It's even better this time around. Well done.


Ah THIS feels right. A very Jin approach to sorting out the aftermath and calmly getting everyone’s story. Can’t wait to see how the other masters react to his casualness!


I liked the first version well enough, but it did feel a little disjointed. This is better. This is great.

Otter Pops

I was a bit critical of the last version. I absolutely love this version.


I liked the last one, but I will admit to liking this one *more*. I think the switched perspective was for the better.


The first version was good but this one is more solid and flows better. I like it.


Thank you!

Torbjørn Nilsen

This was like a new chapter, so I can wait a while.

Gamer Doyle

I love how Xainghua thinks this. She supposed every old monster had to have some passtime.


Excellent revision


I think the changes made to the chapter really worked well. Also is Xianghua autistic?


I like it better


I liked the last one, but I adore this one. Knocked it out of the park!


I liked the last chapter but this one cracked me up all throughout thanks for the treat!

Undead Writer

Love this chapter!!! Can’t wait for more!!


Deeply satisfying, and I am so hyped for next chapter!


Yea this one brings in a bit of the light heartiness back while still being serious then the more darker version


Like others have said; I liked the last chapter, but this one is better.


Is this the chapter for the day or is there going to be another one?

Alex Bennett

I think the rework was time well spent. The first version was serviceable, but fell a bit flat. This right here? This is the good shit.

Will Iam

Love the new chapter, don’t worry with the release date for the next we can wait.


The last chapter was alright, but this one was definitely better. It sparked delight and joy, in that classic 'Beware of Chicken' fashion, and was of the superlative quality i have learned to expect from you.


I think this revamp was much better. A lot of the times I think the rewrites are maybe a little better but maybe you being too hard on yourself. In this case though, nailed it


Last version was good, but this one had more of the BOC wholesome magic. Thank you for taking a second crack at it!


Really liked the chapter. However, I want to know how Tigu's telling of events went. She had to turn back into a cat to escape. Did she say that or gloss over it? If she mentioned it (which I'm guessing she didn't) what were people's reactions. I really just want to see people's reaction to learning she's a cat and I want her to fully accept who she is and not hide it.

The Lost Pages

Liked the last one, love this one. You do such a fantastic job.


i like this one more than the last version for sure


This IS IT. We are back. This feels right… never rushed and comfortingly warm… like a gentle summer breeze.


lol. "I kinda exploded a house"


this version was a great improvement. it flows better with the story and progresses it better than the last iteration did. wonderful job


I hope next chapter is just them fixing the town lol.


I hope that Yin and Miantao join in the repairs as a call back to their previous mission.


Like this version of the chapter better, flows more smoothly i feel.


I liked both

Thomas Christie

Fantastico! The other chapter was alright, but this is great :)

Josef Blumers

Ri Zu interjected,a nd told her tale as well.

Josef Blumers

Xianghua nodded, and saw a pensive expression on Tie Delun;s face.


Deffo an improvement, feels more fleshed out and whole

Jan Alexander

This revamp chapter is good. Thanks a bunch.


Wonderful rewrite, this chapter felt like a large improvement, and as NA said: "the wholesome magic" was felt much more strongly. Great job.

Tim Johnson

i will say i did like the original version of this chapter. But holy shit was this rewrite amazing.


Loved the rewrite. Felt more true to the nature of the series I guess? Fantastic. And though I enjoyed the previous version, this one FELT better


I'll be honest with you chief, the previous chapter was fine. I mean, I like this one, but I also really liked the previous one. You seem to be moving more and more away from using Jin as a focal point, when it seems more that Jin was supposed to be the main focal point from the start.


I have been enjoying the last 2 chapters. Great job!

Carl Mason

Okay so, total fairness to each version, this one reads better. The previous version was plenty good enough and had the Elders come out to see the destruction, which was enjoyable, but it wasn't as good as this version. Mission accomplished, I would say. Though I do hope some version of the Elders' scene makes it in, it would also be just as fun of they come out and all the damage is repaired and they hear people talking about the fight and how destructive it was and they just, "what are you talking about? The town is in even better shape than it was yesterday! "


Does anyone else see that Link in the chapter? Where he says Just call me Jin


Damn I thought the last chapter was fine but this one was excellent. Well done!


Truly, last chapter was good and I'd have been happy. But this was great. Not just more/longer, Great. You're doing the right thing by using patron as a space to try/explore and its amazing

Dion Crump

I liked the last one, but I think this one fits like a well made glove.

Zak Cornell

I really like this version, I much prefer this over just pushing out a chapter take your time on tonight’s chapter this was great


Practically all of the comments that I've read have said that they found the previous version of the chapter 'fine'. I agree. However, I don't think that 'fine' is good is enough for the so-called Casualfarmer (cough, more like Legendaryfarmer, cough) because this version is at least twice as good.

Arexio R.

oh man this was actually a fantastic improvement. maintains the pacing instead of dragging down like the defunct chapter. great job!


Very good! Amazing improvements, the tone changed for the better while still keeping the gravitas

John Koor

I had no problem with the first version, but this was definitely better. Ok, one problem, it seemed odd for Jin to push his way in while Lanlan was in the tub and not make a point of not looking. This version is better.


This was the better version of the chapter for sure. The last one was ok but it definitely felt rushed.


daaaamn. I don't know what did it but I absolutely love this chapter.


This chapter flows far better than the previous, and reads better too. Nice improvement.


I liked the original but this version is an improvement

Just A Dude

This original version of the chapter was good, but the new version is incredible. The interplay when Jin was introduced to "Handsome Man" was especially amazing. That, alone, was worth the rewrite.


EYYY. The original wasn't ever bad! Maybe quite short, but not bad. This however was amazing!

Chad Hagner

Much much better flow, good job! I didn't dislike the other chapter but always appreciate an author making something good into something great.


this chapter is way better! a lot of character development for just one chapter, making everyone clearly recover and become more close


I agree, this chapter captured the wholesome flavor exceedingly well. The previous variant felt oddly recursive (tempo wise?) I am not sure why. This version clears that up completely and stands tall. 10/10

Arnon Parenti

It's a show vs tell, through Jin's eyes we "saw" the outcome of the mountain coming to the twin peaks. Through Xianghua we lived this outcome.


much better chap, though there are a ton of typing errors that kinda broke the flow for me.


A few grammar and spell check stuffs: Goiu >> Gou ; Paise >> Praise ; MAster >> Master ; passtime >> pastime ; and finally me noticing this lovely detail : : "An Ran seemed to be ready to ask a question" >> my interest is surely piqued 😀


The reaction to Rags being crass was exactly as i hoped it would be, and Handsome Mans reaction was gold as well. As was Jins to meeting him. I need more. I bet that next chapter the Elders are gonna run into Jin fixing the house and act rudely to him. would be hilarious for Jin to mess with them for a bit.


Oh! I just realized - during Tigu and Ri Zu’s recounting it would have been revealed that she is really a spirit beast. Reactions to that were muted.


I just assumed they didn't go into detail about how she got out of the cage.

jetblackvalias .

Definitely enjoying seeing Jin being portrayed as a force of nature!

John Koor

Xainghua vs Xianghua a lot. Same with Meintou vs Mientou.


l. Just.call me Jin, > looks like an errant . also there's a MAster somewhere but i cant find it again. Anyways nice job.


Your ability to look at an already pretty good chapter, go, "Nah, I can do better," and then actually do that, consistently, is really impressive. You're damn good at this whole, writing serialized fiction thing.


Much better, not sure what you did. Last chapter felt a little stilted maybe? Like akward? This one feels alot more smooth. Thanks for the hard work my man!

John Brady Anderson

I may have misunderstood, but if Tigger and Rizzo told their tale, would it include informing everyone that she can turn into a cat?

Aiden King

The last version was alright but this? This I like! It's got that magic that makes your story special.


Take care of yourself. If you've got to rewrite, well, might just mean the next chapter comes in its time.


Such a great improvement. Thank you for the chapter!

Quentin Long

To those who think Tigu should have mentioned "oh, and I turned into a cat": It's worth noting that Tigu <i>does not like</i> her four-legged form. She didn't transform until after Ri Zu pushed her buttons something <i>fierce</i>, okay? And she resumed her human form ASAP. It would be more remarkable if Tigu <i>did</i> mention the form change, than if she glossed over it or even left it completely out of her narrative.


This was way better. Just fits the tone of the story (and therefore functions as a cool down) so much more. Edit: Also, love the difference in reactions compared to when Lanlan was first introduced to Jin. Her rival is far more readily enthusiastic about a master acting like he does.


especially when it could be summarized as "when Ri Zu got to me she helped me escape, but I was weak afterwards"


Going to agree with everyone else. First one was good this one is significantly better.

Nicholas Grey

By the way, I just happened to come across this. It’s about the disease that Jin mentioned, and Meimei was familiar with, waaaaaay back in book one, regarding eating white rice. (More correctly, *only* eating white rice) https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/rice-disease-mystery-edo-tokyo-navy-beriberi

matthew gilley

Fantastic rewrite!!! Brilliant and beautiful


This is much better


Oh, right, yeah. Though it did say "Ri Zu interjected", which might imply she cut Tigger off before she dould explain


I.... I don't know man, i liked the other version better, i feel like you could of just built on to that more. like i was kind of hopping for jin to pull out another power and send out a big healing wave or something, this version feels less then the other one.


Ah, much better &lt;3


I like the vibe and pace this chapter more but that may be because the previous Chpt 87 beginning was still slightly in mind maybe just a quick pov switch though that comes with problems in flow. possibly maybe.


Great chapter

Lazy Lemon

Much better, thanks for trying to do it right and congrats on managing it.

Sebastian Osterbrink

Is this the start of the story of Gou Ren the Builder? Will there be sages in the future who point to a wall and say "it is said that this wall was the first build by Gou Ren" because it will still be standing in a few thousand years?

Daniel Gesualdi

The pacing and feel for this chapter seems better then the first attempt. Plus it seems like it's more in character for most of the participants. I do want to know what on earth the elders of the sects are doing or dealing with. I really hope it's just a bunch of old men that are experiencing a tech malfunction 🤣


I enjoyed the previous one but this one is objectively superior it flows better it reads easier it is more true to the characters involved. I look forward to them fixing the city up and the inevitable meeting with the elders.


Both chapters where amazing but the new one is even better. Btw does anybody know if a new chapter is coming today, I thought I heard that somewhere?


I like the previous chapter but I loved this one. I loved the growth of relationships, the flow of the story and how everything worked together. I will say that adding a bit of what occurred in the previous version might be good too


There is a new chapter coming today if all goes well


Loved the new chapter, thanks! What are the chances Tigu gives Xiulan or Xiughan a nickname. I’m having to re-read every time they are mentioned close together. 🤞

Juli Freixi

Thanks a lot for the chapter Casualfarmer!


They already have one. Blade of Grass and Damp Pond.


Read both ofc but i prefer this one. Feels a lot better and more fa ram :D

Big casino

This is Gold. NGL I really love seeing Xianghua perspectives. I hope she spends a bit of time at the Farm with the rest. She's a fun character.

Sebastian Rubin

And of course Jin is going to fix everything he broke, and pay for the materials. Hope the chicklets are paying attention to what a Real cultivator should act like!

Richter Stormstrike

Ah, this was way better then the original Dawn chapter. ...Not to say the old one was BAD, but this one expands on things a bit more, and it flows better. Every time Xianghua is in a scene, I like her more. She's great. Same with Rags, Loud Boy and Handsome Man. They're all good characters.

John Koor

I hope you aren't forcing yourself to get a chapter done today to make up for the re-release of yesterday's chapter. That would mean you ended up forcing yourself to do a wednesday, thursday, AND friday chapter. If you have been working on one, just use that one for Friday. Don't put so much pressure on yourself.


Big disagree. Sticking to your word is a virtue every young master should strive for.

John Koor

And that's how you end up with author's that break under the strain and go on eternal hiatus. This rework of 87 was a complete rewrite, from a different point of view. Not just a few rewritten sections.

John Koor

I'm liking her more as she gets fleshed out. My initial impressions were of her being a dumb muscle character and she was rather obnoxious with her posturing.


He should have stated "instead of a chapter today, we're doing a rewrite". He could also say "here's chapter 88, 89 will be published on Monday". Setting expectations is important in business.

jetblackvalias .

I kind of felt this scene flowed better without as much of a focus on Rags. Not that he’s a bad character or anything, it just felt like an odd spotlight.


Johns right, those “expectations” are what drive authors to abandon projects. If he stops enjoying writing and because of pressure or reader demands then you lose the book altogether. The only business agreement I made was “two chapters before Royalroad”. Farmers release schedule is his and his alone. Some authors post chapters once a month.

John Koor

While living up to promises is important, you can't really force creativity in writing. Writer's block happens, and the more pressure you pile on, the worse it gets. There's a lot of pressure on patreon authors. Unlike traditional print authors who get a periodic big payday, patreon authors keep having to crank out chapters at a set pace or watch their income evaporate. There have been many patreon authors who have went from $10k+ a month to absolutely nothing because of the pressure causing them to break. Keep applying pressure and we'll start seeing shorter chapters with less quality and just enough content to meet a deadline. Add more and we could see the author just give up. Though with BoC I'd think he'd be more likely to just leave patreon/royal road and turn to a traditional book release system.


I wasn’t sure what to expect from the revamp but that was great. It flowed much better with more character to the characters and gave me some of that wholesome feeling I love this novel for. You did a fantastic job with it.


I thought the last chapter was very well done but wow ... This rewrite ... You really have outdone yourself. Probably one of my favorite chapters so far.


Loved this chapter. Added so much more depth to situation.

James Squibb

I liked the old chapter, but love this one! Thank you!!!!


I'm sad you feel that CF is holding an ultimatum like that over you for simply living up to his own expectations. Not very many people seem to appreciate men sticking to their words, I am happy that CF is one of them and appreciate him for it. I will continue to financially support CF in this endeavor not only for the quality of his content but for the content of his character.

John Koor

I'm sad that you feel the need to hold an ultimatum like that over CF to live up to your expectations of his posting at specific times or you withhold your money.