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While it was nice to relax with everybody, there was at least some work to be done before we went to Hong Yaowu later today… as well as some messages and reports I had to take as “The strongest man in the Province” rather than just Jin.

Normally a guy would probably take correspondence from the leader of a powerful clan in an office as they pondered the political ramifications over some fine wine or something.

I took them in my barn as I performed my monthly cognitive tests on my normal animals. Afro, Pompom, and Fuzzy the sheep completely disregarded me trying to communicate with them. They were butting my hands, trying to get more food. They were treasured members of my farm, and their fleece was in a good portion of our clothes, but it didn’t look like I would be holding any new lessons. Still absolutely zero thoughts in these guy’s heads.

“Of course I’ll make time to go to Crystal Hill to have Dinner with Master Gen, Huo Ten.” I said, answering the polite request from the monkey. “It’ll be good to visit again.”

‘Thank ye kindly, Master Jin.’ The Monkey said, bowing. ‘Master Gen wants to thank everybody who helped us retrieve our past, and this is the least we can do to show our appreciation. Near fifty of my kin have awakened. Its glorious.. But we’re a right barrel of monkeys right now, with everyone discovering themselves.’

I laughed at his joke, and Huo Ten chuckled from beside me, when I got an idea. “Actually, I’ll extend an offer of my own. If Master Gen or any of your people want to stop by, my door is open.”

‘Oh, you’ll definitely get some visitors then, Master Jin. the younguns are adventurous!’ Huo Ten replied. It would certainly be cute having a bunch of sapient monkeys around.

The thought was appealing. I could only hope the Cultivators of the Azure Hills thought similarly…

“And Huo Ten? I know you’re all taking a massive risk, exposing yourselves to the humans of the Azure Hills. If anything bad happens…” I trailed off, looking directly at him.

The monkeys of Crystal Hill had extended their hand in friendship to the people of the Azure Hills, and I was partially responsible for them deciding to break their cover.

I wasn’t just gonna let them hang out to dry.

Huo Ten’s smile faded slightly, as the seriousness of my words resonated with him. Huo Ten clasped his hands in the gesture of respect before bowing slightly.

‘On behalf of all of my kin… thank you, Master Jin. I can only hope that we will never need to take advantage of that kindness.’

“I hope the same.” I said, before giving the begging sheep one last handful of food, and then turning to face the monkey fully. I clasped my own hands, but didn’t bow, as was expected of a man in my position. “Thank you for the message, Huo Ten of Crystal Hill. You’ve served your Master well.”

The Monkey repeated my gesture, bowed again, and nodded at me before setting off to the house.

I watched him go for a moment, before turning to the other “messenger” for today. Xiulan was standing in front of my cows, Lonlon and Malon, and their calves. She was looking into their eyes and feeling for their Qi, as well as asking them questions in a soft voice. The cows obviously weren’t getting a word just like the sheep, but they were extremely happy to receive scritches from the floating brooms and bushes Xiulan was levitating.

“Yes, you’re a cute little girl, yes you are.” I heard Xiulan murmur as Lonlon leaned into her. Lonlon was pregnant again, and would be giving birth this spring.

“So, Grand Marshal of the Azure Hills, what message do you bear?” I asked in my most pompous voice. Xiulan snorted at my tone, before her voice became a bit more serious.

“Ulagann Baatar, Patriarch of the grand Ravine Sect, humbly invites you to the Ravine.” Xiulan said.

“That's quite big, isn’t it?” I asked after a moment, remembering the Lessons the Lord Magistrate had given to me. The people of the Grand Ravine rarely tolerated outsiders. To have an invitation from the Patriarch himself? Well, that just didn’t happen. “Did he give any indication for what it was about?”

 “He said it was so the Grand Ravine Sect could better serve your will… and I do believe he was telling the truth. Out of everyone, they were the least surprised by what the crystals contained…. And when we first met them at the peaks, they were bearing a banner that said Tianlan upon it.” Xiulan replied. “Tarkhan—Guo Daxian the Younger, as you know him, also mentioned something about listening when the earth speaks.”

I grimaced, as I realised what Xiulan was implying. “They think I might be Tianlan, or Xiaoshi’s successor, don’t they?"

“It's very likely.” My friend said as she leaned against the cow she had been scratching. “They gave no indication that they know Tianlan is an Earth Spirit. Just that she was a good friend to their people, and that she and Xiaoshi were the ones to swear brotherhood to them.”

I chewed my lip for a moment. That was a can of worms I didn’t particularly want to deal with. And yet… the secret was out.

“Will it make your job easier?” I asked her. Xiulan smiled softly at me.

“I will not say, because I know what your answer will be if I indicate one way or the other. The Patriarch of the Grand Ravine holds no hopes in his heart that you will agree to meet with him, and I told him the answer would likely be no.”

“Jeez. Can't make it easy on me eh?” I asked her, before I sighed.

Did I want to meet with him? Not particularly. But the Grand Ravine was a powerful Sect, for the Azure Hills… and I should probably keep my finger on the pulse of things, just so I didn’t get blind-sided.

Well, I guess it was time to put my political education from the Lord Magistrate to work, eh?

“I’ll meet with him after Big D comes home, or at the end of summer, whichever comes later.” I said after a moment. “I’ll talk with the Lord Magistrate as well about it. Baatar will have his answer… if only to dissuade him from “serving me” in person. Best to cut things off before they build up too much curiosity and do something dumb, eh?”

Xiulan bowed her head slightly.

“Then the Grand Marshal shall convey Master Rou Jin’s profound words to the Grand Ravine Sect.” Xiulan intoned… with just as much pompousness as I had given her earlier. We both held our serious faces for a moment before smiling. Xiulan shook her head. “Now that thats out of the way… Meiling was saying something about a bad smell?”

I paused at the question, mulling it over. “We’re trying to find it, but it comes and it goes. We think it's some kind of flying creature, because we can never actually find the damn smell. Lu Ri even helped us once. I don’t know if it's trouble… but we want to be more safe than sorry, so whenever she says anything about it, we try to find it.”

Xiulan frowned, and for the first time the sleepy aura around her pulled back, revealing the Grand Marshal of the Azure Hills, rather than my tired and stressed out friend. An aura settled around her, powerful and regal.

I swallowed slightly. “If it is anything that wishes to cause you trouble we’ll make sure it doesn’t last long.” Xiulan promised. She held my gaze for a moment… before the aura faded. “Especially if it interrupts my sleep.”

I snorted as Xiulan went right back to leaning on Lonlon, looking like she was about to drift off right there.

“Well! That's hopefully enough serious stuff for today! Let's head out! Hong Yaowu, then Verdant Hill—where you guys can tell the Lord Magistrate all about the “Special Inspector” you guys met.”

“If he is the Lord Magistrate’s son, he will surely be pleased that his son is such a righteous, upstanding gentleman.” Xiulan said optimistically. She set pace beside me as we walked back to the house.

I, knowing my teacher a bit better… well. He was sure to be something.


Soon enough, we were on the way to Hong Yaowu. Each time we made that journey, it seemed like the time it took for us to get here was shorter and shorter.

It used to take me about three or four hours of full speed running, and then another three or four hours to hit Verdant Hill, for a mortal, it would take a day and a half to get to me, and then another two days to Verdant Hill.

These days, it felt like it took an hour at most to get to Hong Yaowu. Thirty minutes if I really pushed it.

As always, the kids noticed us first, cheering as Chun Ke rounded the bend. I saw near the forge Ty An raise her hand in a lazy greeting, the freckled girl covered in soot from stoking the forge.

Both Bowu and Tigu waved enthusiastically back… and I saw Xianghua squint at Ty An consideringly.

I wondered if she knew about the betting pool going on around those two. I shook my head, and turned back to surveying the village. Pops had come out from his house to say hi along with Meiling’s little brother… and I turned my gaze to the two newest ‘members’ of Hong Yaowu.

Su Yuanlin, one of the foxes from the Howling Fang Mountains and Gou Ren’s kind of cousin was talking with Lu Ri, my Senior Brother from the Cloudy Sword sect. She handed him a small pouch, and Lu Ri looked slightly surprised, before he nodded his thanks, then turned to greet us.

Yuanlin had a big smile on her face.

I idly wondered what that was about, but it wasn’t really any of my business. The Fox woman was staying with Gou Ren’s parents, and had been taking little trips around the countryside. She was waiting for the Nezin tribe to return to their overwinter campground, instead of trying to find the semi-nomadic tribe.

“Senior Brother.” I greeted, as Lu Ri approached. “Are you well?”

“Indeed I am.” Lu Ri stated, before he turned his attention to Xiulan and Tigu. “I see your disciples have returned, Junior Brother; and I also hear some interesting things about what you have done in Grass Sea City and at the Dueling Peaks.”

He sounded quite approving, as he inclined his head to the women. Tigu grinned, while Xiulan bowed, but there was a considering look on her face.

“What brings you to the village today, Senior Brother? Checking the wards?” I asked, and the man nodded.

“Indeed. I shall be making sure the wards are stabilizing correctly—I also bring news from Verdant Hill.” Lu Ri stated. “The Lord Magistrate is currently being audited.”

I paused at the statement, a bit confused.

“He's being audited?”



Early chapter today!

Editors: Ayje, 



Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks for the early release boss!

Sean Ulrich

No matter where… no matter when… no matter if it’s a xianxia… nobody likes tax time


Who DARES audit THE LORD MAGISTRATE?!? It's probably that interfering imperial auditor. That fool's gonna get it


Poor Lord magistrate... That can't be helping his stomach...,😥


Ok, so did BeiBei get the cows pregnant again? What a stud. Also more milk for ice cream!


Iirc, Fa Ram only has the two cows, their offspring, and Babe. So is Babe the sperm donor, or did the stud from Hong Yaowu donate? Also looking forward to seeing the Grand Ravine, considering the whole reason Jin’s chi sense is even worse than it is already is the dragon vein snarl there. Plus Tigu might finally get her body art.

Steven Ramey

while I enjoy the parts with Big d, I much prefer catching up with everyone in the Vernon hills and how stuff is progressing there. So these last few chapters have been so anticipated lol

Idan tal

Great chapter! 🥰


Well time for round 2 of the spanking for auditor man also I appreciate the no longer putting Jins head in the sand about things I get the kinda story it is but ya can only be dumb for so long


Auditing the Lord Magistrate? The audacity of some nobles. They’re courting disappointment.


Jin: Wait so it's a real auditor this time? Lu Ri: Sure looks like it. Too bad the Lord Magistrate can't weasel his way out of this.

BigBro Bluesman

Death and taxes are a constant for those without magic bullshit


Okay so someone noticed the wildly increased tax income finally XD I bet they think he put a few to many zeros on the report.

leopard eye

I wonder if Lu Ri has his own house in verdant hill. I can picture him sitting in a large garden and perhaps growing his own tea plants with some help and tips from his Junior. Perhaps elder Ge's granddaughter could come by and he has to ask advice on relationships from his dear mortal friend and Lady Wu. Or perhaps he will turn it into a training ground for the first postman. What later will be known as the birthplace of the Legendary Pos Thal Sect.


Oh he was fine last we saw him. The auditor on the other hand.... Well he felt quite out of his depth.

John D Jones

Honestly, I could see this arc ending with Shen Yu coming back with his good friend, the Emperor of the Crimson Phoenix Empire, so Shen Yu can introduce him to his grandson. Figure the Emperor will appreciate Lu Ri's mail system but he'll adore the toilets. Manwhile, figure the Auditor will get flushed like a turd.


The barn is obviously the correct place to receive political news. When Jin makes important political decisions, it should be while he's mucking out the stalls.

John D Jones

Except that based on what we saw in the Epilogue to Volume 4, the only weasel involved was the Imperial Auditor, and he seemed caught in a weasel trap. Or least over-matched.


Does the Pos Thal Sect have any relation to the Pos'Thal Order, by chance?

Homeless One

The horror, the tax collector! Oh wait, that's the guy who realized he might be in deep shit, right? Lmao nevermind. Wonder if he isn't completely drained of energy/will to live by the time Jin shows up

Laura H

Bei Be, being an ox, is probably castrated. So I think it'll be a bull from Hong Yaowu or Verdaant Hill who took care of the cows. Sorry, Bei Be! I am greatly looking forward to learning about the latest torment the Lord Magistrate, Lady Wu, and Uncle Bao are visiting on the auditor -- as well as their reaction to Lord Magistrate Jr. becoming the Lord Magistrate of Grass Sea City! Plus hile he may think it's only temporary, we all know that he just landed a job for life because he learned the job from his father, the best Lord Magistrate in the whole empire! So it will definitely be fun ... although his mom may have a fit, judging by her reaction to just seeing his name in that job. 🤣🤣 And last but not least, Jin visiting the Grand Ravinr should be interesting, although we're going to have to wait a while if he's not going until after harvest. Something else to look forward to!

Will Gossage

Oh no, the audit. Then comes Jin and the rest and before long we have Pi PA coming in human form with a furious governess bent to her as she tears the Imperial Auditor a new one, or will that be lady Wu using some of Meilings knowledge of poisons and elixers.

Michael Dugan

Hmm, if I was tasked with auditing someone who has earned the thanks of the Cloudy Sword Sect what would my career prospects be after being informed of this information?

Michael Foat

Depends on where the auditor came from. If he's like the first guy that he's probably hating life right now. Other hand(unlikely) he might be a second one supplied by CS for the purpose of record


Thanks for the early chapter! I love Lu Ri so I always look forwards to his appearances. :)

Michael Foat

Sleazy Auditor "We need to check your finances" Lord Magister"that funny, I have this certification from an auditor who finished last week saying everything was good. Then he was sharing a cup with the Cloudy Sword member passing through"

Randall Brynsvold

Perhaps Jin will call TLM his "Teacher", smile ominously, and loom a bit while flexing his Qi, and put the final stake in the Auditor's original plans.


One question. The ‘end of summer’ is autumn. Shouldn’t that be harvest time and so a bad time to leave the farm?

Randall Brynsvold

Is Xiulan catching on (like Rags did) to the fact that Lu Ri is connected to the province-wide information network?

Morog T Tiny

I dont understand why people are so upset at the idea of Harem due to females Hypergamous natures. Jin is one of the strongest around with a good reputation and the highest standing locally. He is not removing the choice from them, and Mei is right there so? With the way they are, i don't even see anyone getting hurt in that situation. They are to concerned with one another.

Randall Brynsvold

It's sort of a Xianxia trope, and this story series is intended to subvert a lot of the Xianxia tropes, especially those that have to do with strength and growth.


In general I don’t have a problem with harems/ reverse harems in stories so long as it’s done well. But I would be upset if it occurred in this story. To me a harem for Jin just doesn’t feel right. It would feel like the author just threw it in there rather than feeling like a natural part of the story. Jin has made his feelings clear on this point so for that to change at this point would feel artificial. Bi De’s relationships however feel more natural as it’s been foreshadowed for so long and the friendships built that way


CF already stated in an info dump on the species of Fa Ram that all males of Babe’s breed, regardless of being castrated or not, are referred to as oxen.

BlueMage Theneras

The poor auditor just can't catch a break lol. Out of the frying pan, into the mouth of an active volcano 😂 Maybe he will learn a valuable lesson about doing his job properly instead of at the command of corrupt nobles.



Keliana Tayler

I think TLM would just die of gastrointestinal distress if the emperor walked anywhere near verdant hill.


In the previous chapter, Jin shows that they've already done the harvesting, hence the warehouses are so full.

David Brewer

To be fair, in most societies doing what the corrupt politicians want would BE his job.

Demian Buckle

Thank you for the Chapter.


I just prefer the harem to go to Big D and have Jin subvert all the cultivator tropes. I also just want Jin and Meimei to stay monogamous. Harems are a whole different ball game and end up being poorly written male fantasies like 98% of the time. But really it boils down to I just don’t Like it for this series. I like jin and meimei and i dont think it needs to expand out of their relationship. If it did happen I’d get over it I just hope it doesn’t

Laura López

Lu Ri and the Lord Magistrate are hilarious, i really look forward to the next chapter.


Show of hands! Who want to see the Fox and Tiger spar while Jin spars with Lu Ri?

Randall Norman Pick

The Lord Magistrate is being audited. That poor Auditor.


I disagree. Tropes shouldn't be subverted just because, they are at the end merely writing tools. Besides, Jin/Mei Mei/Xiulan are cute together and work off each other very well. They just have good chemistry.


It's approaching the Winter Solstice; the end of Summer has passed. I think he's referring to the end of NEXT Summer, and with Bowu's machinery the harvesting might not take much time.


I feel so bad for their son because tigu can draw a sculpture of him from memory so they'll have eye witnesses testimony and a 3d model of his exact likeness to prove his been lying to them as well as been in mortal peril for months. His mother gonna invent a new shade of purple once she done with his hide.


A harem does not fit Jin's personality. It would be a major character divergence, and one that would heavily impact the story.


Unrelated, but sometimes I feel like xiulan is an ace. And somehow that's kinda befitting for her.


This.. CF, please make this happen. Imagine the look on TLM's face when the emperor himself comes to the supposedly quiet post of Verdant Hill. Lol


I don't care about there being a harem in this book or not, but describing all women as having "Hypergamous natures" is incredibly sexist. You just implied that all women are only looking for a man to move up socially, which is a gross opinion to have. Even in this book, not a single woman around Jin is around him to raise their social status, they're around him because he's a kind person and good friend.


My exact thought. Between this and learning about his son, we're in for a lot of Lord Magistrate action, and I am so here for it.

BlueMage Theneras

Unless the lady cultivators vying for his attention like the Young Mistress of the Gray Water Sect (iirc) defend him lol

John D Jones

@ Npad1111 Men were hitting on her hoping for sex when she was 12 years old. Maybe Xiulan isn't Ace, but she has a lot of reasons to despise even the concept of romance/sex.


And considering the emperor taxs sects who's masters can break mountains, the Xianxia IRS must be TERRIFYING!

John D Jones

@ Srikanth Katagirl Just imagine Hiroyuki Sanada with his eyes bugging six inches out of his skull while he says the most drawn out "FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!" ever.


I think his wife's family is behind this. I mean the auditor is imperial, but I think lady Wu's mother is making embezzlement charges.

John D Jones

@ Randall Brynsvold That will set the stake firmly. The final pounding that hammers it through the heart and spine will be the Auditor learning that Jin is the grandson of Shen Yu.


The emperor doesn't visit you, you visit the emperor. When he demands it. I very much doubt he will ever come to the poorest province of his empire. Though Jin might get an imperial summons when it eventually grows his first bag of Jade grade rice.


They are cultivators, it takes them less than a week to harvest a small city's worth of rice.


So Meimei is scenting a bad smell that comes and goes? I'll bet it's that demonic concubine with the Shrouded Mountain Sect squad. Maybe she can shapeshift or astral project?

Old Dog

As always, thank you for the chapter. Really looking forward to how things progress with the "smell" and the auditor. Be funny if the auditor has a bad smell to Meiling.


Did you mean Yun Ren's cousin? I didn't think Gou Ren was connected to the foxes.


They’re full brothers, they’re both related, just Yun Ren takes after his mother more and Gou Ren more after their dad


That’s why I want him to come in disguise, as like a holiday 😂 sneaking away from the paperwork

Barry Morgan

Sadly, the Auditor doesn't know enough to understand the significance of Jin being Shen Yu's grandson. On the other hand, just recognizing that Jin is the fabled Secret Master of the Azure Hills will make him plenty terrified all on its own. Especially if Jin calls TLM teacher in his presence. The fact that Xiulan is there may make Jin's identity clear. If not...the Auditor may never know the true horror of his situation, I guess?

John D Jones

@ Truedragon5374 See the fun bit is that the Wu family are big fish in their little pond. The Lord Magistrate is a "big" fish in the puddle that is Verdant Hill. However, Verdent Hill was hit by an earthquake (named Jin) a few years ago that opened it to the ocean. Now there's some terrifyingly huge fish swimming in that area that the Wu clan along with their pet Auditor had no idea about. Until now. So they're about to get eaten.

Leili Mård

One of the reasons I am so much in love with this series is because the author defies my expectations within the realm of xianxia, and by extension fantasy. He is so far only the 2nd one after Will Wight to be able to do so. And I flat out hate the harem consept. It is so overused and makes me always question what is wrong with people that every single significant relationship they have with oposite sex HAS to be a romantic one. Like friendships do not exist in the world anymore. Other than that, I also agree with previous comments that for Jin it would also be a huge deviation from the character, and overall a sleazy development.

Randall Brynsvold

Oxen are working cattle, not a different species. As far as we know, there's only one breed in the region, Northern Azure cattle, and the males are called oxen (intact or castrated) and used to pull plows and, presumably, carts. I think we're supposed to assume that Bei Be is the father of the calves, since he's the only bull at Fa Ram.


Okay, but an auditor only has to be a problem if there is improper documentation or embezzlement (speaking as a junior auditor)


Most readers don't seem to care one way or another about it. But a small number are very mad about it and determined to hold the story hostage every time it comes up. Which irks me because Casual keeps trying to bring things in that direction and the story gets to a point where it feels natural for the three of them to get together and then it doesn't happen and sure enough if you go check the patron comments there was a bunch of noise right around when that decision looks to have been made. Especially since the argument is always 'it would be just like a sleazy harem story' as if anything about how Jin/Meiling/Xiulan have been developed shares DNA with that kind of story. I really wonder if anyone saying this has actually suffered through one of those stories before. They seem unable to recognise the gulf between the slow-burn polyamory we've gotten here, and actual sleazy harm trash.

Michael Foat

I think that part of the problem is people see multiple people together and automatically think "Harem". Traditionally, harems were more political entities than what they're portrayed as today. The better term would probably be polyamorous throuple (though don't quite me on the second word). I blame modern fiction power fantasies. Harems are traditional groupings where power dynamics are in play while polyamorous relationships(open relationships and otherwise) are more about equality. Sorry wording is hard right now for some reason


@ Anzer’ke Thank you! I’ve been thinking the same thing. Where’s the trust in CF?!? Those stories don’t even have a fraction of the chemistry that the characters in this one do. Comparing the two is ridiculous and insulting to the wonderful story we’ve read so far

Just A Dude

Yeah, the people who sicced him on TLM were working off the assumption that EVERYONE is as dirty as they are, so TLM would obviously have some dirt waiting to be found.

Just A Dude

Only if it's not strong enough. Bet Shen Yu doesn't pay taxes, and he's working on the Immortality part.


... Audited. Well thankfully there's a merchant group and a CSS inquisitor on his side.


I have a suspicion feeling that something nefarious is afoot with this audit! It’s probably due to the fact that some no-name extremely low aura section of the empire is providing a high quality rice, eliminating threats that no surrounding sect could have done, providing high tech equipment to improve farming and most importantly is producing some myth defying cultivators. Yeah if I was the emperor or his subordinates (good or bad) I would want to know what the hell is going on in section of my empire that I barely knew existed let alone had people residing in it.

Callie Kelly

The auditor from the Dual Peaks that was sent by Lady Wu and got kicked out by cultivators was diverted on the way home to VH so it's probably him, not the emperor

Nicholas Grey

The Cloudy Sword is an upright Sect who have strong respect for systems and laws. As per their own Founders’ writings, they generally have a fairly poor opinion of Magistrates and hence believe that auditing should happen regularly to make sure they’re doing their jobs. *This* lord magistrate has their approval and admiration, so I’d suspect that *as long as the auditor was playing straight* (ie, was himself not corrupt, malicious, or fishing for bribes), they would welcome the inspection to show their friend is above reproach

Randall Brynsvold

Remember, in the Epilogue (posted at the beginning of March), An Ran, the Smaller Blade of Grass, was also headed toward Grass Sea City.

Randall Brynsvold

Yes, it's the same auditor that visited the Dueling Peaks. From the v4 Epilogue: "The Imperial Auditor huffed as he sat in a waiting room of the Verdant Hill Palace. It had taken him three months to get here. Three whole damn months! There were road washouts, freak storms, and he had even nearly been held up by a pair of brigands! The sheer cheek of the bastards! Luckily, he had splurged for the guard and the man was worth his coin. He saw the fools off. But now he was here. He was here, and he could hopefully curry some of the favour he had lost with the Wu family when he got kicked out of the Dueling Town by the cultivators. He felt a bit sorry for the poor provincial bastard he was going to ruin, but really? What kind of fool gets on the Wu family’s bad side?"


@Morog, Go sit in a corner and think about what an out of touch moron you are for using the words "female" and "hypergamous" unironically in public.

Randall Brynsvold

TLM is learning to rely on his friends and contacts more, and to worry a bit less. Originally he was counting on the quiet simplicity of the Verdant Hill commandery and relying only on his own planning. He thought the world was full of people who didn't care about him and his people and his goals, and if he came to the attention of powerful people, they would eat him alive. Things are more complex now, but he somehow has the respect of powerful people who can help and protect him.

BigBro Bluesman

The Lord Magistrate is probably pissed to be honest

D J Meigs

I can’t wait to see the auditor look everywhere for signs of financial wrongdoing. I bet he’ll get stumped on the roads.


I wonder if the auditor will get suspicious of Fa Ram. Jin is probably going to run over to Verdant Hill to support the Magistrate. And the auditor is going to be looking closely at the wealth that has been flowing through the town. Most of which has come from the silver grade rice from Jin's farm. Who showed up out of nowhere just a few years ago and now is growing super rice in a near chi barren province...

Alex Ingraham

I believe the author already established that (apart from early financial fudging to get some public's work projects up and running) the LM's level of corruption basically rises to occasionally buying himself some really nice wines every once-in-a-while lol. Bao is also fiend for keeping meticulous records and I have no doubt that her ladyship will prove to be even scarier than either of them! 😂

Alex Ingraham

That would be a good pretense to use, but the Wu family want to punish the LM's son for his role in Grass Sea City (I forget what it's called...)


I can imagine it now, some sleazy auditor trying to make a mountain out of every little molehill and at every turn running into the finely tuned machine that is the impeccable, the implacable, the incredibly competent, THE LORD MAGISTRATE


I wanna see the lord magistrate not in fear cause its not cultivator stuff but from the stress of worrying about his son he puts on his serious face and puts the sleazy auditor back in line.


The auditor is probably the same one from the dueling peaks, trying to be messy because of the way he was treated there lol. I also think it would be hilarious if Lu Ri gets a harem with Su Yuanlin, Xiulan, and elders Ge granddaughter.

Randall Brynsvold

From "Meanwhile, Back at the Town...", January 24 2021: "The First Archivist shrugged. “He will be here for decades at least, considering he is betrothed to Hong Meiling.” The tension came back, along with the Lord Magistrate’s headache. The First Archivist had the grace to look embarrassed. “I hadn’t told you? They are to be wed this spring.” He slumped forwards onto his desk. Hopefully, things would be uneventful. Hopefully, a river had not just connected his pond to a lake, or worse, an ocean. His stomach churned unpleasantly. Otherwise he would be going to an early grave."

Randall Brynsvold

The first rice Jin produced (sold to the Imperial Clerks, given as a gift to Meihua and Tingfeng) was silver grade, mis-classified as blue grade. The next year, he asked Guan Bo of the Azure Jade Trading Company whether they would buy any of his new crop of rice, and it turned out to be gold grade. (v2c68: The Azure Merchants, October 4 2021)