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Hey everybody! the book 3 Preorder is live, and chapters resume again tomorrow!

Additionally, have a Sneak peek at some v4 art!




The book was an insta buy for me


The Lord Magistrate looks like me everyday lol

Rebel Rebel

Just ordered the physical copy of book 3


First of all, the art looks good. Second of al, is there any chance of a resale of the previous hard cover editions? Being able to purchase multiple makes the shipping costs a lot more doable. Because sadly, once again, the costs of shipping are higher than the costs of the book. And if i am gonna spend money i do want it to mostly go to you, and not to a shipping company.


Woo just got that sweet preorder. 3 for 3 on hardcovers

Reid Haataja

We're all set, now I need to plan a trip for November. Book 3 dropped the day we flew to Tokyo so that was convenient.

L Ko

how about signed editions?


Hell yeah. Let's gooooooo!


The shipping costs have been beyond ludicrous for every volume so far and I have doubts they'll ever improve it at this point.


All hail the Lord Magistrate! 😂

Nicholas Grey

Has book 3 on Amazon been updated for the missing chapter yet?

Nicholas Grey

Hmm. Xiulan’s scar is a lot bigger than I pictured it in my head. The text describes it as a “small crack”, a “tiny blemish” - that’s a pretty big scar there, though.

Brian Thompson

Got it ordered now we just have the long wait.

Alex Ingraham

OMG! Such amazing pictures! xD

Reinhold Wuerzner

Okay what happened to the Book 2 hard cover? I have been waiting and looking for it but I never saw it posted. Did I some how miss it?


I think there is talk about on demand printing. Might be for paperbacks but if they use the Amazon infrastructure for that prices at least should be better

Demian Buckle

Congratulations, I just ordered my copy. Looking forward to reading it.


Uh maybe the size comparison is between that and everything else in that area?

Randall Brynsvold

The skin, and therefore the blemish, is stretched and flattened by lying down with arms out.


Yes, unfortunately. BoC 2 hardcover was announced back in September 2023, I received my copy around Christmas.

jordan silvester

Ok I’ve ordered mine but I hope your getting fair share of money from this casual farmer though I’m having to hide that I just spent £80 on a book

Reinhold Wuerzner

WHAT!? I was watching carefully for that! There was no announcement for it or I would have gotten it! I have been waiting forever for it, damn it!


It was announced here at the time with a link and everything. There was even a brief chance to order volume 1 along with it at the time of you had missed out on the original printing. I guess you just missed it. I know I didn't see it until it was too late to order myself.

Eli Pomerantz

I love the lord magistrate image


Now pre-ordered.




Yknow looking at this picture Xiulans scar is pretty narly not the description that Nic 👇 rightly brings up