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Now you can play the final prototype.

game link- https://wexeo.itch.io/zoctongolustguns


Now let's talk about what I realized and what I will be changing in the prototype.πŸ’«

Here are some of the problems I encountered in development and what I didn't add to the game, but wanted to:

I wanted to add a unique attack for our enemy - in addition to the big ball of lust, I wanted to do some kind of special move, but coming up with the special move, animating it in 2D and writing the code proved to be a very resource intensive exercise.πŸ˜’

Roughly speaking - 2D movement strangely enough very limited the creation process, 😢

To create the whole game is 100%. 

Draw art for the game - 30%

Write game code and make 2D animations - 70%

I want to draw art more than 50%, so I'm looking for a way to simplify 2D gameplay or make the combat system more flexible, so the enemies can attack in all possible ways and I did not spend a lot of time to figure out how they attack with their 2D thumbnails.πŸ₯Ά

I already have ideas how to do it all, so we'll see if it's better or worse in the next version.πŸ€”

I love you all, thanks for playing my games! ❀ 

Here's some art for you!


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