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Fuuh...it was good)😏

I did what I wanted to do, now everything looks good. Let's start with the update.

I added energy, now you will not be sent home every night - but now i will have to add visual nests for demons - so that you know where they will appear from (they come to life every morning) I haven't added them yet.

Completely redesigned the system of interaction with girls from another world - now you save them and you can watch scenes with them only after you saved them (this is an endless procedure, so you can watch all the scenes if you save her several times) I did this to diversify the grind in the game and make it a significant source of content.

after saving the girl, she will appear in the city - but you can not interact with her, you can only look at her)☺

removed the signs with the inscriptions of the girls😐

added the ability to change the name of the main MILF and Our hero (that is, you) (he didn't have a name before) so far there are few dialogues in the game where this would be used))

I removed Deb and Garnet - maybe I'll add them later, but now there are three girls to save - Elvira - Pyro - Nami(Patreon)

The most delicious thing left is to draw some art)) I still love drawing more than programming). I appreciate you all very much!!😍😍😍

 New YOU😎😎😎😎🙄😏😏





This looks dope as fuck cant wait to save Elvira 🙏