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Saw people drawing Pokesona's of themselves online so asked on Twitter what kind of Pokemon they saw me as. So the most reasonable choice was Ditto because I have a very Shapeshifter mentality in regards to a lot of things. 

But Ditto can transform into anything so I decided to not let peoples suggestions go to waste so thought to draw each Pokesona as a Sexy Waifu. Enjoy these as I make them and comment on Twitter or Vote on the Polls for future creations.

To start this off I did a Sableye Pokesona. Which will be next?

Update: Added Electivire! And new Poll on Twitter! Vote there and also Comment here to suggest for potential future Pokesonas!

Update 2: Added Greninja! Will have a poll uploaded on Twitter when I post Kiranja on there! So be sure to vote when it comes up!

Update 3: Added Reshiram! Probably one of the forms that looks closest to the original when transformed since the Eyes would reflect Dittos form and Ditto already being Blue like Reshiram's eyes would make it hard to spot the difference when side by side.






Hmmmm.... How would you look as a Greninja?