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Finally finished with the Poll I made a while back. Had a lot of distractions and things that required more attention. Though hope everyone likes how she came out! Also going to add a little more to this.~ 

So will be making a poll on Twitter a bit later on what Power Up to add to her! Is something I normally would like to do for these pin ups so decided to do it for this just to give a taste. So showing two Power Ups that I have shown off and then two others that haven't been shown. 

Edit: Had the Poll on Twitter and one of the Mystery Items was chosen as a Power Up for Makoto! This power up is only being applied to Makoto at about 50%, where as 25% would have only changed her outfit and a full blown 100% would have made her into some sort of Space Galaxy Squirrel Being! But this was to showcase that the Power Ups can be different based on the exposure onto the person! So it basically adds a lot of Variety to what normal Video Game Power Ups might normally do.
