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Edit: Created some more Forms that are Available in the Mega Link Below!

Updated forms in the Catalog are Pokemon Trainer Rika, Alolan Rika, Teacher Rika, Sexy Teacher Rika, Hooker Rika and Bimbo Ninja Rika.

A good commission idea to create a template of Rika in alternate Dimensional forms so here is the default imagery of her in a room that allows her to transition into multiple forms while not currently in those Dimensions. 

This will be updated a bunch as more forms become known and made so look forward to that.~

Also thought this would be good to showcase so maybe people might want to see what she looks like in specific Dimensions as well.

The Error Images are just the Extra which are just NSFW versions as if the Room Malfunctioned. And we start off with 2 Forms from other artists rendition of Rika in previous Commissions made with them.

Here is a Mega Link because I would not want to clutter this up and will be easier to just update the Mega Link in the future.
