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This was a good one! The alien device was absolutely fascinating! I don’t know if I’d call the events ghost or not, but definitely a strong idea for an episode.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/syCev8JhH7M




(A LIL LONG, BUT WANTED TO SAY IT RIGHT) I'd be inclined to agree with you that the script probably never mentioned Owen being a s*ggsual predator in bold anywhere in reference to the scenes in Episode 1, and that it was purely intended as a riff on a deodorant commercial or hollow joke about 2000s hookup culture and the "popularity" of bisexuality. It is unfortunate they never had someone call them out before it went to shoot, but I'd say when looking at the characterisation of the rest of the Team so far, it'd be very odd if the writers actually intended for one of them to have the character flaw of "R*pist" as opposed to... Jack keeping his life a secret from the team, or Gwen kissing 2 people who weren't her boyfriend on her first mission. As someone who is personally quite sensitive to depictions of s*ggsual crime/violent misogyny in general, I can 100% understand why someone else wouldn't want to continue with the series after. But I genuinely don’t think it was intentional (unless there’s an interview out there that proves this wrong), since there’s no way Jack would want someone like that on his team in the first place. There is definitely however, an underlying tone of misogyny to his character in his snarky comments and dismissal of the women he encounters, and I think that is why he was given this particular storyline this episode- not as quick redemption, but as a reflection on his apathy and anti-socialness so far, since he felt everything Lizzie felt through the device. Regardless, I know you'll at least find something to get out of this series, and S3 of Who is going to be a ball, what an exciting couple of months!!<3<3<3


Still playing catch up after being out last week! This is a fabulous episode, such a cool premise, being able to solve a crime from the past with alien tech!! And that glimpse into the future. Oooph it gives me chills. I do agree with the comparison to other TV shows, it definetly has a CSI Alien vibe about, a Smallville "monster of the week" vibe, but i think the most true one is the Angel comparison. I really think Torchwood to Doctor Who is Angel to Buffy.