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There’s a lot to be impressed about in this film, but the performances are what really wowed me. Incredible!

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/JfxxNeREoto




Remember when I said I agreed at the time that Basterds was Tarantino's masterpiece but he later topped himself? Yeah, that happened immediately. It's especially impressive since this movie went through some major behind the scenes turmoil that involved cutting down a miniseries into just this movie. If it seems weird that the bounty hunters are all just casually killed off after all that attention given to one of them secretly being a woman (and it's hard to tell only seeing her eyes, but that's Zoe Bell, the "ship mast" lady from Death Proof), that was the major thing he decided to cut back on so the rest could have enough time. It also had the tremendous bad luck of coming just a year before 12 Years a Slave provided the definitive brutal, dramatic portrayal of slavery for the era, and suddenly everyone forgot Django had gotten a ton of attention for how far it was willing to go, to a level that hadn't been seen in quite a while. There was also a whole thing about how Tarantino really wanted Will Smith in the role but things just didn't work out (and in a bitter irony, Smith would eventually make his own critically acclaimed slavery movie Emancipation, only for its release to be completely overshadowed by his punching Chris Rock at the Oscars a few weeks earlier). Christoph Waltz won another well-deserved Oscar, and I have to give a big shout-out to Leonardo DiCaprio, who has managed to play equally despicable characters in this film, Wolf of Wall Street, and Killers of the Flower Moon, but all in completely different ways that show what a great actor he is and how unfair it was for us all (and I do include myself in this) to dismiss him as just a "pretty boy" after Titanic.


I definitely clocked that one of them was a woman, I don’t think I ever commented on it because it went by so fast and there was always other stuff going on. I did see her name in the credits though! This would have been a great miniseries, but dang it works so well as a movie.


I think writing this movie made Tarantino fall in love with the idea of bounty hunters. You have two of his movies left ( Hateful 8 and Once Upon a Time), and you'll see it becomes a recurring theme- in different ways- from now on. I wonder if the last movie he plans on doing will incorporate it as well. (He always said he plans on doing a solid 10 movies and then retiring. If he sticks to that, then he's got one more movie to make, and then he's done)


I am also very curious if he'll stick to it or not. He's working on that 10th movie now, but he's got many years left, what if he has a brilliant idea? Will he maybe write some scripts and let others direct them? Retire? Very curious to find out!


Oh and speaking of Leonardo DiCaprio's amazing performance, Christoph Waltz won the best supporting actor academy award again for this role, but pretty much *everyone* who saw this movie agreed that Leonardo deserved it for best actor... And he wasn't even *nominated*, in either category. Needless to say, people were piiiisssssed on his behalf. Heck, even though Leo has since won the academy award for a different performance in a different movie (The Revenant), I'm *still* pissed about his snub for this movie.