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What an episode! So glad we got to focus on Gauis and even though it didn’t really propel the main story forward it was a great look at his character.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/MKJ7xac_HTg 




The network execs were now starting to get worried again about the show being too bleak for anyone to watch, and asked Moore to do more of a breather. And for as annoyed as he’d been at their early interference, after a few years without it he figured he could throw them that bone, and even gave it a title directly referencing that intention. But of course, the show’s ongoing story at this point put a lot more limitations on just how much of an actual tone break it could be, so rather than an outright comedy story like Tigh Me Up Tigh Me Down, we get a meditation on the morality of torture in extreme circumstances. And of course this also served as a direct critique of the ongoing wars in the Middle East, in particular the Abu Ghraib scandal which was all over the news at the time. James Callis is just mesmerizing through the whole thing, especially when it genuinely sounds like Baltar is slipping into his real accent, despite that his usual voice is the actor’s real one.


I would agree with the network execs this time though, until we hit the eye of Jupiter arc I was feeling the heaviness a bit. This was a great episode though. Love the way they continue to tackle these topics.