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This was a great episode! Well, as far as a non arc episode goes. It struck a perfect balance of survival, action, suspense, moral ambiguity, and heartache.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/UlvfHisgU24 




As far as I can tell, there were no big BTS issues involved in Kat’s death. She was just selected as someone with enough of a presence that the audience would feel their death as a sacrifice for getting out of the situation, and the actress Luciana Carro accepted it with good grace. I’m sure it helped that the death came along with a major highlight episode revealing Kat was a much deeper character than anyone suspected.


It does make sense to kill people off occasionally and as much as I hate it, Kat was the right person this time. I do wish we could have seen more of her throughout the run, but I loved what we got and she will be missed.

Cei Stockport

Lee REALLY deserved a punch in the face for that 'she's a Cylon, she can handle it' comment.