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😅 What a fun experience! It delivered exactly what I'd hoped, although I still have some questions about how they chose to end it.

Thanks Holly for this selection!



g g gooding

Shoot dang - I remember enjoying this a lot but I just don't recall the ending. The entire cast is great chewing that scenery (and occasionally getting chewed). I'd say its weird that this is written by the creator of Ally McBeal, Doogie Howser, Picket Fences, etc...but it weirdly doesn't seem weird. Weird, right?


1. Regarding special effects: Stan Winston studios built an incredible massive crocodile animatronic for the movie that actually swam! ( the movement of the tail would slowly propel it forward in the water). So anytime in the movie that the crocodile looks really good, it's definitely the animatronic. Anytime it looks a little janky, it's most likely CGI. Some behind the scenes of making it (so cool!) https://www.stanwinstonschool.com/blog/lake-placid-building-30-foot-animatronic-crocodile 2. My personal feeling about the ending (real world application): If an animal is incredibly rare in nature, or has defied the laws of statistics and nature to become VERY unique among its species, then we should make every effort to preserve it, IF we can. You said that they should kill it, because blood would be on their hands if they captured the crocodile and then it escaped and killed people... But that's true of EVERY dangerous predator that's in captivity right now, isn't it? Bears, Lions, tigers, elephants, and yes, crocodiles ...ALL of them would pose a danger to people if they were to escape. But they're not malicious or evil or hunting down humans because they have a 'taste for human flesh'. They're just animals doing what they do. They don't know any better. And yeah, crocodiles are a dangerous carnivorous predator. Statistically, there are around a thousand fatal crocodile attacks on people around the world each year. Many of the ones currently in zoos were captured from the wild. How do we know that some of those crocodiles haven't attacked or killed people prior to their capture? Should we kill all crocodiles in captivity right now because of the potential danger they might pose IF they were to escape? Remember that friend I told you about? The one who has a deathly fear of crocodiles and who was afraid to watch this movie because he thought it would be too much for him? And when he finally watched it he wound up loving it? At first, like you, he was all about 'yeah you need to kill it'...but by the end, even HE came around and didn't want the crocodile to die (which considering his phobia, really surprised me) 3. With regard to this movie specifically: **SPOILERS** Hector's plan was a good plan, and yes some things clearly went wrong 😆, but in the end they succeeded in capturing it and nobody died... o win-win as far as I'm concerned. Interesting tid bit-- for a horror 'monster' movie, this movie has a surprisingly low body count. Most of the tension comes from the fear that certain characters 'will' die, but ultimately only TWO people die in the whole movie, and none of them are part of the main cast- just the diver at the beginning and the sheriff's deputy. That's it. Overall, I think this is a greatly underrated and very enjoyable movie, and I'm glad that it has found a strong fan base in recent years.


Thanks for sharing your insights and thoughts! It's wild to me than an R rated horror film (even a comedy, or maybe especially a comedy) had none of the main cast die. Definitely an adventure and a ton of fun!