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Another great episode full of moral quandaries, choosing sides, a dash of danger, a Mike Tyson reference, and I even learned a touch of French history. This series continues to impress me with each episode and I just want more. I suspect I actually want more than this show has to give, but let’s see how it develops!

Please let me know your thoughts on this one, especially on the situations presented. Would you have handled anything differently?

Of course, avoid spoilers for future episodes, thanks so much for watching!

Full Episode Reaction: https://youtu.be/j2NUwP1Xv_U

YouTube Edit: https://youtu.be/g9_NFbKgxSA 

**I watched this episode on Blu-ray. The show is also available on digital retailers, peacock, and alternative means.



Charity Konusser (the chonus)

So I went back and reread all of the comments on the miniseries (as well as 33 and Water) as I didn't want to repeat info you already have, but I didn't see any mention of the framing of Roslin's swearing-in scene. This may not be a cultural touchstone for younger folks, but the scene is basically a recreation of the photo of Lyndon B. Johnson being sworn in aboard Air Force One on the same day that President Kennedy was assassinated. I can't post pictures here, but search for "Lyndon Johnson swearing in photo" and you'll see what I mean. The crowd of frightened people crammed into a small space on an airplane (which for all intents and purposes Colonial One is), the much shorter woman holding the Bible (the scrolls, in BSG) -- btw, that was the only time an American president has been sworn in by a woman -- a reporter holding up a recording device, etc. Standing right beside Johnson is Jackie Kennedy, still wearing the suit she was wearing in the limo Kennedy was shot in, with her husband's blood still on it. It was a lightning-rod moment in American political culture, and for any viewer who was either alive then or learned about it in school, that choice does an enormous amount of heavy lifting, evoking the terror and confusion of that moment.

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Oh wait I can do links: here's the swearing-in of President Roslin: https://tinyurl.com/3bzj2zys and here's the swearing-in of President Johnson: https://tinyurl.com/mr2msrvk


That is an absolutely phenomenal choice. Having that frame of reference really can create a powerful emotional pull, even if it is unconscious. Bravo!