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Whoa. Episodes 4 & 5 together are probably my favorite so far. This episode had a bit of everything,. Drama, human connection, acton (oh the action) and well, a few other things that I won’t put here because spoilers. This show has a way of really making you care about its characters.

Watch with me: https://youtu.be/UrvRmQL00As

*I watched this on HBO MAX




Holy cow man. How do you not remember that from the game? One of the most impactful parts of the game. Of course the game had many, many impactful parts. Are you sure you played The Last of Us? :D


Here's the thing, I tend to play sporadically and in small doses. Maybe an hour at a time and anywhere from a week to a month between gaming sessions. Usually I play when I'm just mentally exhausted and want to turn my mind off. Often when I return to a game I've forgotten what happened last. I remembered it ended badly, but I definitely didn't remember the specifics on this one.