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Inside the mind of a killer! Done in possibly the most natural, unassuming way I’ve ever seen. Hitchcock once again fails to disappoint in this psychological thrilled posing the question, what if you found out a member of your family was a murderer?

Full Length Reaction: https://youtu.be/6OVC6lattbg

YouTube Edit: https://youtu.be/KzGUYKKuETs




So glad you got to react to this film and I got to watch it with you. The first time I saw it was in film school. Some of the lecture we had was about Hitchcock truly developing his cinematic stye. Allowing the camera tell the story. Obviously, one of the most famous is Charlie's monologue about widows all seen through Y Charlie's POV with the slow zoom and then she questions his speech and he turns toward the camera. It gives it all away. Also, Hitchcock using the angle of the camera to create tension. Something he would go on to do more and more. Low angle shots of Charlie giving him a more menacing feel even when he has not been exposed yet. High angle looking down on YC as she feels the tension of moment. The stairs, low angle looking up at Charlie and down at YC in the doorway with her realizing he is getting away with murder. Hitchcock also used the extreme High angles, something you will see in all his films, right at the extreme moments of suspense. He became the master of this. Another visual that gets overlooked is as the train with Charlie arrives it produces a blacksmoke that flows over the station creating an enveloping shadow. When the train arrives at the end it puffs white smoke. Let me just also mention the greatness of the acting. Teresa Wright wins an Oscar this same year as this film came out for Mrs Miniver and was the only actor ever to be nominated for an Oscar for her first three films! (IMDB). I personally love her in The Pride of the Yankees. Joseph Cotton, OMG amazing! One of Orson Welles theatre players. He is in Citizen Kane, The Third Man, Gaslight and later Soylent Green and so many others. Also, the wonderful Henry Travers as Joe. He was also Clarence in It's A Wonderful Life and in Mrs Minivere with Wright and also nominated for an Oscar. Anyway, I hope you continue to dive deeper in to Hitchcock. Along with this one and North By Northwest my personal favorite is The Birds! Thanks again!


OK absolutely fascinting with the camera angles that almost immediately makes this rewatchable. I definitely noticed the black smoke, but the white smoke I didn't even notice! Also a great reminder that I really want to watch the third man and gas light, so I'll be including those in my schedule later this year.

g g gooding

My favorite thing about Shadow is the two business partners discussing how they'd murder each other. My business partner and I have done this and it's great, cathartic fun (especially when we do it around our employees...who, frankly, get a little *too* into the discussion. 🤨)