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I know it's a little early this month, but today seems like a great day to share everything coming up in May. As always, things may shift a little, but not too much since I'm almost half way through recording this months films already.

Before I get into it I just want to say a huge THANK YOU for your support and for being a part of this community. I know we have a wide ranging group of tastes in film here and it's such a thrill for me to be able to react to so many different types of movies. 

If you'll be leaving after this month, know I am grateful for the time you spent here. If you're on the fence hopefully this can help you decide if you want to stick around next month. 

I have always done 2 movies a week and I recently added an episode of a series per week so I could react to the marvel tv shows (yes, MCU is something I've always enjoyed). I will continue this pattern and over the summer likely tap into some older mini series (you'll get to vote on which! I'm open to suggestions)

Below is my planned schedule for YouTube release dates next month. 

April 25: Epically Casual Choice: Dead Poets Society *Early Access Available*
April 27: Moon Knight 105
April 29: War Games (1983) *Early Access Available*

May 02: Wait Until Dark (poll winner)
May 04: Moon Knight 106 (Finale)
May 05: Epically Casual Choice: Belizaire The Cajun (Patreon Exclusive)
May 06: Death Becomes Her

May 09: The Talented Mr Ripley (Poll Winner)
May 11: Sunshine (2007 *E.A. coming Tuesday*
May 13: Firestarter (1984)

May 17: Epically Casual Choice: Sorcerer (1977)
May 20: Rope (poll winner)

May 23: Alien: Resurrection
May 25: Tron (poll winner)
May 27: Obi Wan Kenobi 101 & 102

May 30: My Annoying Brother

**Everything Everywhere All At Once | This is a new release I am 100% reacting to when it hits streaming at an, as of now, unknown date. It will shift  the schedule upon release.



Red Dwarf

Exciting line up! Sunshine is so good. That soundtrack ❤ I really liked Rope, but haven't seen it in so long I don't remember much other than I liked it! I look forward to seeing it again. Older TV mini series you say? I suggest V and the sequel. Scared the crap out of me as a kid. It is an alien invasion series that is so much fun.

g g gooding

The Prisoner (1967) is certainly my favorite miniseries...or favorite *anything* ever put on film.