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I’ve never seen anything like this. I sat stunned for at least half an hour afterward. I loved it. There were several moments I could have never been prepared for, but did I cry? Of course not. I sobbed. 😭 At least it wasn’t the last song. 

Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/8AOsyqakkms



Red Dwarf

Oh boy. Destroyed all over again 😭 I never hated a movie character as much as Bill. The way he ruined her. She was so innocent. I love and hate this movie also. The only Von Trier movie I like. He gets so dark and despairing with his movies. I saw 2 others and I'm like nope. The directing in this movie WAS great. But Bjork is what made it for me. I was already a fan of her music. (Army of Me is perfection.) This movie had me down in the dumps for a couple of weeks. I would listen to the soundtrack and cry lol. It was definitely worth the rewatch, but I could go another 24 years without seeing it again! It has been a joy picking movies for you and as I have said before. Gonna stay until you ever pack it up!

Tom Servo

I'm a little hesitant to tell you this anecdote because I don't want to come off as name drop-y or whatever, but here goes. Back in the early 90's I was working as a DJ in a downtown club (Jacksonville, Fl) called The Milk Bar. The club manager called me at home on Friday afternoon to ask if I could come in early to set up some stuff. Turned out that the act booked to play the downstairs stage was the former singer of The Sugarcubes and was getting ready to release her first solo album since the band broke up. Last minute, her management had contacted the venue and asked if they could "patch in" some audio recording equipment because they were toying with the idea of putting one or two live versions on B-sides of singles. So I went in early and they had some stuff I needed to connect to the FoH desk and blah blah blah. Towards the end of her set that night, some rowdy jackaninny managed to get a decent portion of his drink on her outfit, and she didn't skip a beat leaving the stage and heading back to the dressing room bathroom to wipe up a bit, and then went right back up and finished her set. And that's the story behind There's More To Life Than This from Debut. Most of the audio for that track is was done in studio, but I found it very funny that they did transition to transplanting the audio from that show right into the middle of it. I got a tiny bit of credit for "audio engineering" in the liner notes because I had been the one mixing the audio on the FoH board that night. For me, the most noteworthy thing of that evening was just how humble and down-to-Earth she was. After the club closed and everybody had been kicked out, she and her crew walked around with staff dumping ashtrays and cleaning up empty beer bottles and whatnot, and I'm pretty sure I remember her with a broom and dustpan in her hands at one point. She, her crew, and the club staff all sat around in the upstairs lounge for an hour or two just wagging jaws and hanging out afterwards. I crossed paths with more "celebrities" in the biz than I can possible remember back then, but she was, without a doubt, probably the kindest and just best overall all-around human beings. You just kinda take it as a given that you're going to get nothing but ego from most of those types, but she was one of the few that brought little or none. You seem like a fellow fan of hers, so I thought you might enjoy knowing she's one of the good ones. Or at least was. I certainly can't vouch for anything except that night, but I'd be surprised if her overall character has strayed far from what I witnessed and experienced.

g g gooding

Just finished my first-watch with Chris. I'm cynical so I only had to use a few tissues. Odd compliment to the film: this *almost* made change my final epic-request into a movie that Selma/Bjork would LOVE! (No, not The 🍎...although...she'd love that one too now that I think about it.)