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I'm so excited for May. First off, thank you for being here. I'm so grateful for your support.

The past two months have been jam-packed as I've been slowly increasing the amount of TV episodes per week. In the future, each week will have 4 episodes alternating between an extra episode in the Whoniverse and an extra episode of our new show. (Be sure to vote on the 5th!)

This month also marks the Finale of our exclusive movies picked by the previous Top Tier Epically Casual. Thank you Red Dwarf, Holly, Kelvin, and g g gooding for your support and the many incredible films you've picked for us to watch together.

You may or may not notice I moved a couple of things around to get to the BSG Finale a little quicker. After watching "No Exit" I sat there for a good 5 minutes contemplating if I wanted to just binge the rest of the series that day. I resisted, but there's no way I commit to just one per week at this point, so it's full steam ahead!!

I mentioned an extra episode in the Whoniverse every other week, let's be honest right now that is where The Sarah Jane Adventures will live starting with the Invasion of the Bane and then every other week will feature a story from that series (two episodes).

Doctor Who and Torchwood will continue, because wow I'm loving them so much! Once we finish season 2 of Torchwood there will be about a month pause to finish that season of Doctor Who and watch the second season of the Sarah Jane Adventures, but then season 3 will be watched and released in a single week!

This month will also be the premiere of the new show and I can't wait to find out what we are diving into. I may have already purchased a few of the shows that will be on the poll because I'm so excited.

Finally, you may noticed a subtle slowdown on YouTube releases over the next couple of months. Especially in June, but a little bit in July and August as well. When it's all said and done Patreon will have an 8 week (two months) worth of early access content! This may be a little excessive, but it will make a huge impact for me in avoiding spoilers so thank you for the work you put in to not reveal things too soon.

Thank you so much for being here!! You really are the best community.

Love you guys!


*P.S. Some dates may get shifted as needed :)



g g gooding

I've never seen Dancer in the Dark. (Been on my list for years...but not a huge Lars Von fan). Oh well, I'll order a copy and have some Kleenex ready (is my understanding... don't actually know what the flick is about.)

Burgandy the Red

I am once again lobbying for Princess Mononoke