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This is top tier Battlestar Galactica! So many iconic moments and an outcome that felt so satisfying and yet an undeniable sense of sadness. 

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/EBeXRxElmmA



Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Ok watched it - I think these two episodes are two of the greatest in the entire run. You asked if anyone would be on the side of the uprising - I think, if you only knew what Zarek and Gaeta knew (or really just what the average person in the fleet was aware of), you might very well have turned against the Adama/Roslin leadership when they said "we're going to let all the Cylons on board and they're going to be installing things on your ships and we're allying with them now." The viewers know far more than the lower officers and fleet members. After everything the humans have been through at the hands of the Cylons, starting with the literal end of their world, and all of the hardship and a clear, known, enemy, I could certainly understand people having had enough. Kelly was the "bad guy" because he'd bombed and assassinated Gaius Baltar's lawyers during his trial. Tyrol's actions in this episode remind me that he was the one who gave the "throw your body on the gears" speech on New Caprica - hey, he takes his words seriously! After Tyrol sabotaged the FTL drive, he looked up at a big crack in the wall and you said "what is that?" I don't think it's a spoiler to say that he's looking at structural damage to the bulkhead.

David Anderson

The coup is one of my favorite story lines in the show. It's a real tragedy with Gaeta, whose concerns about Cylons was all tied up with personal bitterness and disappointment. He's such a competent figure through the whole show, but often getting caught up in bad situations through idealism, like working with Gaius on New Caprica, even before the Cylons arrive. Realizing that his idealism had led him to the wrong side, once again, looking at the dead quorum, was so sad! Zarek is hated by Adama and distrusted by Roslin, but it had been forever since his guys had caused trouble, and it seems like the experience on New Caprica, if anything, brought Zarek into the common humanity of the colonies. I even felt like their comments to him were often snide or unnecessarily insulting. But this story shows just why he was in that prison ship to begin with and how awful he was, despite lofty talks about democracy. It was all excellent


Great point! It's easy to forget I know a LOT more than any average person on the fleet. Definitely not a spoiler and leaves you to wonder how the damage to the Galactica might play out in upcoming episodes.


Even I was starting to trust Zarek. He's good and there is a reason he was locked up. I think it will be really interesting to rewatch this show with Gaeta's whole story in mind. Well, I think it will be interesting to rewatch with a lot of things in mind and I'm pretty sure I don't know all of those things yet.