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Such a brilliantly simple (yet kind of complex) slice of life tale about a woman who wants to visit her childhood home one last time before she dies. 

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/TIQKTae6auA



Paul Hess

I never heard of this movie, but the trailer looks wonderful. Thanks for including a healthy dose of high quality picks, I added this one to my watch list.

Red Dwarf

This movie always teared me up growing up, but now as I am older I bawled. Something about going home. I have been to my childhood home a few times. Thankfully, people have always lived in it and it is not abandoned, but it has so many memories and I feel the longing for the past. Across the field is the abandoned house of our older bachelor neighbor who lived with his mother. He had PTSD from the war, but was always so nice. He made us a wooden bench for our deck which now sits on my deck. He gave us kids rides on his tractor. We would ride our bikes down the dead end to another neighbor who would give us chocolate chip cookies. My dad was the pastor at the church just down the road where it breaks my heart to see it now. Maybe 12 people in attendance now because after my dad left the pastor that took his place has been so very wrong and has sent almost every long time member away. And gosh...I did not remember the speech Ludie gave about not having kids. I grew up always knowing I wanted a lot of kids and was unable to have any. Holy crap the tears! Geraldine Page rightfully won an Oscar for her role. She was amazing. And shame on you for wishing that wonderful woman's husband dead LOL I am glad I could share this wonderful movie with you!


Thank you for sharing your memories. I haven't been to my childhood home (homes) in so long. I can't even imagine how different it must be now. She deserved the oscrar and well... what can I say. Out of tragedy could have been something beautiful, but shame received lol.