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This is one of the best written stories we’ve had in Doctor Who. Incredibly emotional and compelling with plenty of action!

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/_SXf5WYOYK4



Emily Gray

If you thought this episode was fantastic....you're in for a treat with the next one! The next episode is almost always rated the best of the David Tennant years...

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

The performances from everyone in these two episodes (but especially this one) are just unmatched. David Tennant breaks my heart - both as John Smith and as the Doctor in this episode. The recurring bit in the series about how the Doctor is all of these amazing things (wonderfully described by Tim in a brilliant little speech) but could never live just a normal, human life day after day becomes less about his inability to sit still with a whole universe out there and more about how *different* he is from a human, in ways good and bad. The last scene between the Doctor and Joan is SO good, because she's clearly both heartbroken and furious, and he's like "oh, come along on my adventures, we can start over, what fun" and there's such a disconnect. When she asks him if anyone would have died if he had gone somewhere else, and he's struck by not just her anger over what happened, but how his take on what has happened is from such a different understanding than a human one (he definitely had to hide *somewhere*, and he sees such a larger picture than humans most of the time that he's sometimes taken aback when this kind of thing is pointed out to him), is one of those moments where we realize how differently he thinks about, well, everything, really. And he has to! It's totally understandable! But it's also why his penchant for taking human companions on board should come with a bit of a warning. Just as Rose learned from Sarah Jane, and sort of a message/reminder for the viewers about how he operates -- a companion has to decide whether he's worth the heartbreak and pain and monsters, but no one tells you going in that you're *going to have to make that decision*. Joan made it without ever traveling with him once, and decided he wasn't worth it. His human existence, which he judged as a bit rubbish, was, to her, infinitely superior. Gutting.

Isac (Welsh_ML)

wow i forgot how moving john smith was, these two episodes are sooo good and i'm sad that i underrated them since my last watch in childhood!!


That’s part of the fun of revisiting these things with an older perspective! We get to see them through a very different lens. It really shows how well Doctor Who is at reaching all ages.


This episode is so so good! Really enjoyed your reaction and looking forward to next week!