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Finally the last page! I'm sorry it took so long for me to get this one done. Starting the new degree and career really put a wrench in the process while trying to keep up with other art obligations.

As always I've learned a lot about how I want to go about making future comics more quickly and efficiently. I'd like to start a more long form comic next that's more story/character focused, but first I need to clear what's left of my art backlog and perhaps some more very short prompt pages to really nail down the technique.

Anyways, I hope you guys have enjoyed this project. If you are looking for the rest of the pages, you can find the rest in this thread https://twitter.com/TyrooTweets/status/1363897064858542086

(Edit: Noticed it wasn't cropped correctly, also added an "END" upon request)




Id be down for a part 2 in future, either way I am glad to see this finished :)


So basically they are going to be paid well to just be in a non stop orgy? ... BEST. JOB. EVER.


Would SO be down for part two if there is one, lol.

Flying Star

A long wait but worth it. I just hope the next product has a more steady release.


Definitely jealous of Tyroos new career