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Hey everyone! As voted on previously, I'll be taking on this last comic commission to give me practice with the craft before doing the more long form original work I have planned. This 10 page comic was commissioned by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/taji-amatsukaze/

The current script can be found below, it may be subject to change depending on how much text I can fit in. Hope you like it so far!

Taji: This is so exciting, 6 whole months on the biggest colony ship I’ve ever seen!

Ty: I just can’t wait to have some free time to get some experiments done.

Taji: You kidding? I’ll be spending all mine in the breeding chamber.

Ty: Haha can’t say I’m not looking forward to participating in a mandatory breeding program. Purely for increased population size at the new colony of course…
Taji: Don’t be coy just because you know I’m gonna be the best seeder on the whole ship.

Ty: Pshh, no way you’ll be able to keep up with me and my breeder.

Ship AI: Taji Amatsukaze - Pilot - Please follow the red line to your mod chamber. Tyroo Young - Researcher - Please follow the teal line to your mod chamber.

Tyroo: Catcha later! I heard these things feel great.


Taji: Suit, dematerialize.
Mod chamber AI: Initializing modification procedure: Scanning…

Mod chamber AI:Increasing virility 250%. Genital size and sensitivity increased.

Taji: Ffffuuuck~

Mod chamber AI: Breeding partner found: Tyroo Young

Taji: Wait what? Uhhhh there must be some mistake.


Taji: I’ve gotta find Ty and sort this out. Suit, materialize.

Ty (offscreen): Give me your name and rank! I’d like to give your higher officer a piece of my mind. Just who do you people think you are?!

Ty: I did NOT consent to these modifications. Just wait till I contact my lawyer.

Officer: If you’d let me expla-

Taji: Yo Ty!

Ty: O-Oh Taji.

Ty: So there was obviously an error and the AI modded me to be… your breeder.


Officer: If you’d let me explain, it appears the AI found your combined genetics would provide the most ideal offspring and rightfully matched you with each other. And the contract you signed gave us carte blanche for modding, so unless you want to repay the thousands the government has spent on your trip then I suggest you two get to your barracks.

Taji: Pretty fancy for “barracks”

Suit AI: Ovulation detected, dematerializing

Ty: Wah- No!

Ty: So uhh, I guess we should-
Taji: Get ourselves “situated?” Can already smell your heat.

Pg5. Sex montage


AI: Congratulations! Insemination detected.

Taji: Huh, that was quick. Yyyou wanna go again?

Days later:

Ty: W-Wow… That accelerated pregnancy mod is no joke.

Taji: Well I think you look great~

Preg montage

Taji: Haha yeah I think he’s ready to burst any day now. See you la- FUCK

Ty: Taji! I think my water broke! WHAT DO I DO!?



Taji: Oh thank god, are you okay?
Ty: I’m alive~

Taji: Let’s get you a snack from the mess hall.

Taji: So they just put you under the whole time?

Ty: Yeah, so it was only mildly traumatizing. Nothing some pizza can’t cure.

Rando: Holy shit guys, one litter in and you’re nearly top of the Breeder Board

Ty: The what?

Rando: Higher ups thought it’d encourage more breeding if they had a leaderboard. I hear first place gets the best housing at the new colony.

Taji: I’m certainly encouraged.

Ty: Better housing certainly would be nice…


Taji: Let’s get to it then! Gonna make a puppy factory out of you!

Ty: What an insatiable seeder~ I’ll try to keep up.

Taji: You wanna try out our bed’s hard light projectors next?


Ty: A-Are you sure this is necessary?

Taji: Not at all, but it IS fun. Now sit tight…

Breeder Board: 18

Breeder Board: 49

Breeder Board: 288


Ty: Man, this trip really took a toll on my figure. I hope they can mod it back.

Taji: Tell me about it, I’m hauling coconuts over here thanks to those virility supplements they keep pushing on us. Nice tits by the way.

Ty: Shut it you.

Ty: Woah they did an amazing job with the terraform

Officer: Ah, Taji and Tyroo, I’ve got a proposal for you two.

Taji: Came to congratulate the Breeder Board champs?

Ty: Was really no contest near the end there.

Officer: About that, we still have a projected shortage of population size and genetic diversity. Taji, we’re prepping what’s essentially an endless stream of breeder males for you to seed. Tyroo, you’ll be modded to carry multiple litters from all sorts of species.

Officer: The government is willing to shell out an incredible amount for your services. You just gotta keep providing us with future colonists. We got a deal?

Ty: I mean I gu-

Taji: When do we start?!





Hope the officers will offer some eye candy~


Yes. All of the yes.


Mmmm, this is going to be top-shelf