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I thank you all for all the support you have given me throughout 2022. I hope you will continue with me this 2023!

This time there won't be a post on AH's development progress. Instead, I would like to talk about my plans for 2023...

About Afterlife Harem

There are so many things I want to implement in AH, and one year is not enough time to do it.

Here are my plans for Afterlife Harem in this 2023...

New Features and Content:

  • Gardening.
  • Combat System.
  • New Love interests.
  • New Locations.
  • New Characters.
  • Spanish translation.
  • New apartment for MC. (subject to change)
  • Dating app. (subject to change)


I know that many people have experienced compatibility issues between the latest updates, as well as all sorts of bugs :(, this is due to how complicated it is to create a new version for the game (with new content, features, etc.) and maintain the progress of the players.

This is one of the reasons it will be necessary to "redevelop" the game and use a newer version of Renpy (Renpy 8). I ask for your patience, as this will take a considerable amount of time.

Please, remember that the game is still in development and It won't be perfect until the final release...

About The Community

First of all, I would like to thank all those people who help me with the discord community and those who are active in it. 

Thank you!

Secondly, I want my community to be a place for those who enjoy the games I create and also a place where those who want to develop their own videogame (visual novel for now), both normal and NSFW, can learn from my experience... I will start posting Renpy tutorials on discord soon.

About Future Projects

Last year I intended to release a new and more ambitious game.

The plan was to use a more powerful game engine, in this case Unity (although later I decided to use Unreal Engine 5 instead).

But due to the magnitude of this project, and the fact that I underestimated how hard it would be to create it, it was impossible for me to release it in 2022.

In fact, I spent a lot of time this past year learning how to use new software just for this new project.

Although I don't know exactly when, I feel confident in saying that this year I will launch my other game. Or a super-mega-early alpha version of it at least. :)


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