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About Version 0.2.3

The revamped version of MCS is ready and is now available for everyone!

This version comes with many QOL changes as well as new features, including: a gallery, additional information about the girls, a new city map, the gift system, a new love interest and more!

But that's not all, a new story quest featuring Layla and new characters has also been added.

This update has been developed based on many of your suggestions and comments throughout the development of MCS, I want you guys to know that I try to listen to each and every one of you. :D


In order to develop this new version, I had to reorganize the project, I would say that it was similar to creating it from scratch...

And for that reason, it will be necessary to start the game from the beginning. I am sorry that your progress will not be saved, I did my best :(. But it was necessary in order to add all of these changes and improve the quality of the game.

I think this is one of, if not the biggest, update I've done for the game, I hope you like it!

Quick Announcements:

I'm sorry, I have a lot to tell you guys :D

1) The free release of the latest version of the game will be available until a new version is released, for example: Version 0.2.3 will become free until version 0.2.4 is released.

2 ) I'm working on a new UI; new save / load screen, settings screen, confirmation screens, etc. I want the game to have a unique style.

3) I am learning to edit images, I will add a new perk for the $20 Tier which will be access to a gallery of renders tweaked by me.

Version 0.2.3 links:

Version 0.2.3 Quick Overview:

  • Reworked the Relationship UI.
  • Added the Gift system.
  • Added a Gallery.
  • Added EVERY h-scene to the gallery (vip scenes are not included).
  • Reworked the city map.
  • Added a new feature: You can now see the location of the girls on the city map.
  • Remade old content: The house has been remodeled, so most of the scenes involving it were remade.
  • Remade Cleo's and Azaleas first h-scenes.
  • Reorganized and fixed the project (took me waaaay longer than I expected).
  • Added a new quest to unlock a new love interest.
  • Added a new love interest - Sophia.
  • Added 2 new story quests.
  • Added a new story line related to Eve.
  • The apartment can now be furnished.
  • Fixed most typos and grammar errors.
  • Added new items.

Note: There is no new VIP scene in this update.

New Relationship UI

Now it's easier to track your relationship with a girl.

Added additional information about all the love interests, from their schedules to their favorite gifts.

New Gallery

Every h-scene has been added to the gallery, including: dates, story scenes and relationship scenes.

Gift System

One of my favorite features in dating / life sims has finally been added to MC Simulator!

The gift system will allow you to increase your intimacy with the girls, as well as unlock new scenes with them.

The girls will have different reactions depending on the gift they receive, from a negative reaction (decreasing your intimacy with them) to a quite positive one (greatly increasing your intimacy with them).

There are four gift categories:

  • Disliked Gifts.
  • Neutral Gifts.
  • Liked Gifts.
  • Favorite Gifts.

The items in each category depend on each girl, for example: While Amy loves jewelry, Noa hates it.

Part of the magic of video games is discovering things by ourselves, so the information about what gift each girl likes and what gift they dislike, will be hidden. Good luck finding out what the girls like :D

Note : Azalea is the only girl who can receive gifts for now, the reason is that there are not so many items in the game yet, so one of my priorities in future updates will be to add more.

New city map

I bought a lot of assets to improve the quality of the game, as you have already seen in the items. Those assets included several isometric buildings with which I created this new city map.

In addition to the improvements on the relationship UI, you can now see the location of the girls on the city map.

Furnishing the Apartment

Finally, that apartment that we all ask ourselves: "Why on earth did I buy it?" will be useful.

After completing a quest in which we will buy furniture for our apartment, Sophia will be able to move in and become a love interest.

New Love interest: Sophia

Sophia seems to want to become independent, and decides to move into MC's apartment.

New Story Quest

The new story quest introduces new characters along with a new story line: Eve's Request

Layla and her new friend :)

Eve's Request

I won't go into details to avoid spoilers, but after completing Eve's request, she will become a love interest.

Note: Eve may be the most grind-intensive love interest in the game, but it will be worth it in the end :)

Eve handing MC something very important

New Living room

The house has been remodeled to make it look a little better, I hope you like it!

Old content

Since the house has been remodeled, it would be weird to see the old scenes in the current house, so I decided to remake them.

Cleo's first h-scene :D

Fishing Quest - Part 1

It's very difficult to test the game on my own, I would really appreciate if you report any bugs you find to my discord server. Thanks!



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