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Hello everyone!

There are a few things I'd like to cover in this post, let's start with the change to the weekly posts.

At first my intention was to do a post every week with the development progress, but I realized that, most of the time, these posts were published every two or even three weeks. 

This is because there are weeks that I have nothing to show, don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that I haven't done anything in that week, but that the progress is something that literally can't be shown. For example: code or dialogs.

So I decided to switch to just development progress posts instead (These posts will be published every 1 or 3 weeks).

Secondly, I will release a new version of MCS in March with lots of improvements, including: a new UI, new features (the third eye has a new purpose), some QOL changes (more information about the girls, from their schedules to a guide to increase your relationship with them), a gallery, and more. 

And that brings me to the last thing, some of these improvements were going to be implemented in version 0.2.2, but will be included in the new version of MCS instead. 

Note: I will make a post with more details about this new version.

What has been done this week?

  • Added 2 relationship scenes with Noa.
  • Added a new relationship scene with Amy.
  • Added a new h-scene with Noa.
  • Added a new h-scene with Amy.
  • Added 4 new chat conversations.
  • Added a new location.
  • Fixed a lot of bugs :).

What's missing in the update?

  • A new VIP scene (tier 1).

Noa's New Scenes.

Meet Noa's disciple, Erin.

Finally, training begins.

Amy's New Scenes.

New Location - Tracking Field.

This is where Noa spends her afternoons training.



Maurice Groves

As always, keep up the amazing work, cant wait to see the next update