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This has been one of the best years of my life, I was able to take the first step to fulfill my dream of becoming a game developer and it was all thanks to all of you! :)

Ever since I can remember, I've had the dream of becoming a game developer, but it wasn't until early 2021 when I took the first step and gave it a shot.

At first I had my doubts; "What if it doesn't work and I fail?", "What if nobody likes my game?", "What if I make someone's phone explode?", "What if...".

But as time went by, and thanks to the support of all of you, those doubts started to disappear.

You have no idea how much your support means to me. Every time someone leaves a good review on Itchio, every time someone joins my community on Discord, every time I read a positive comment on one of my posts, every time someone subscribes to my Patreon to support me, every time someone follows me on Twitter, every time someone shows interest in my game.... I realize how lucky I am, that my dream is no longer "just a dream" and how far I've come this year.

Thank you so much for being there this 2021 and I hope to see you again next year!

Happy New Year!



I think that's really cool that your fulfilling your dream and also cool that we get to benefit from your creativity and talent! Love your game! It's really fun!


What Maurice said! :)