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MC Simulator - Weekly Development Progress #13

Hello everyone. We are very close to reaching our goal of 100 patrons! Thank you very much for your support, for enjoying MC Simulator and for believing in me!

Well, since version 0.2.0 will come with only one story quest, very long by the way, there is not much to report except for some progress on the quest and my plans for the future.

About the new quest.

Since this is a very important quest, I decided to take my time to make it in the best possible way.

In this new quest, we will learn a little more about the MCS lore and some characters. Also, this quest will come with a lot of h-scenes featuring the girls from the "other group" and a maid.

About my future as an adult game developer.

Seeing that the 100 patrons goal is almost accomplished, I decided to spend a whole week watching tutorials and learning how to use unity.

In the last few months I've been mentioning that I plan to develop another game alongside MCS. Obviously an adult game as I love the genre.

Let's call this new game: Project Crisa.

Plans for Project Crisa:

  • Interactive h-scenes.
  • H-scenes will have different points of view, including first person.
  • 3D World with multiple locations.
  • Free roaming.
  • Anime-style characters.
  • It will not be a VN.

Note: All these points are subject to change.

I am expecting to release a short demo of Project Crisa between mid-March and  early April 2022.

Week's progress:

  • Finished part 1, 2 and the first half of part 3 of the new quest.
  • Learned a lot of unity :).
  • I started to formally plan my new project.



Maurice Groves

Im lookin forward to the releases :)