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Some Fedrejjevildjen-sügdönsraag (Federal Defense Army) troops on patrol on Ündra, a golden world - unofficial name for planets that can host both odra and allied members.

Featuring an odra soldier, Pettr, and a local volunteer radio operator, Seykkee.  Their gear is fairly typical, mostly standard issue equipment, with Seykkee here wearing non-odra issue helmets and boots.

Hopes you like! <3

Pettr belongs to Rett

Seykkee belongs to Gravi Arthelis

PS: Sorry for the lack of artistic activity till now, had to deal with a lot IRL but I mostly have it under control now ^^



Eric Mittelstadt

Birbs! Great to see some variety among the Odraani, not all of them are Lizzies. Hope we get to see some new guns among them, too!

Warlock Skrack

Loving the uniforms! The detail on the gear and the characters themselves is raly great ^^