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While their service as watchmen is compulsory, the foreign-born gilje don't make a big fuss about petty shoplifting. The hungry gotta eat, right?

The merchants always audibly sigh when they see these lizards patrolling the market.

Took me a while to get this pic done; both happy and disappointed in it in some ways; happy with the visual storytelling, the posing, composition - not the best one could do but its a massive leap for me still, but the shading technique isn't what I hoped for; but hey, thats what practicing is for.

Hopes you'll likeee 



Warlock Skrack

That is SO amazing!! ^^ Love the merchants expression XD ,,What do you expect of us to do? capture a child because its hungry``

Eric Mittelstadt

The concept of guardsman being "TOO" Chill is something I don't think I've seen before. They look like the kind of guys who would wave to Aladdin on their morning commute or help Robin Hood no questions asked ;)