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Rollerblading was popularised by young odra who were employed on Mitleidion's land-based logistical facilities.

While initially an odd sight, they become popular among the youth or more active adults, as the often smooth, paved surfaces, access ramps of Odaani cities made a great surface to enjoy.

Some cities even adopted it as an official sport, building complex tracks for the more experienced to enjoy, as well as hosting races.

(Will add peeps in the bg when i get to it) <3



Kiono Hiemalis

Oh, rollerblading is an imported sport, nice! :D And even cooler that they embrace it so much! :D

Warlock Skrack

With a tail to stabilize themselves rollerblading (and when they are clothed warm enough skiing) must be awsome for the Odra

Eric Mittelstadt

I'm glad they live in a universe where Heely's don't exist :D


Prettyy, it's a fun sport that's trendy AND useful for getting around