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Some ideas! + Wanna standardise the canon uniforms ... which I won't be drawing any time soon anyway so ...

1. - Enlisted crew: wearing a standard jumpsuit, with the velcro name, unit, ID tags, a dosimeter as well as carrying a medical kit to treat bleeding wounds, burns and radiation poisoning. All on-ship naval personnel must carry their over-the-shoulder emergency air supply cases, nicknamed 'lunchbox'. The blue shoulder makes this odra an equipment inspector

2. Non-commissioned officer: wearing the same jumpsuitas the enlisted, but with the 'officier's tunic' over it and an Idrian headcowl. NCOs also wear belt-attached comms kit, with a shoulder-worn microphone and headset.

3. Commissioned officer: wears a darker version of the tunic with wider shoulders, a corset belt with a document case and standard sidearm attached. The officer here is wearing a standard, short necked hat

4. Pilot: wearing the newest generation G-suit as well as harness for the emergency air supply in case their pilot pod is damaged. The helmet is a standard Odraani pressure suit helmet, with the air hose and comms attached to the side for easier connection. Given the cramped nature of the  Odraani pilot pods, strict height and anatomy limits are enforced (max 170cm tall, no horns longer than 20cm, tail no longer than 200cm)


Sorry for the lack of activity recently ... been feeling blue but I think I can manage it now <3




Love these, and would love to see detail of the "lunchbox" and how it works

Warlock Skrack

I really love the detail you bring into these works. I like how you can see the standartisation of the uniform, and the very ,,simple´´ add on of the tunic showing continued rank. Also I hopelove the size differences, showing that the pilots are rather small, but their G-suit looks epic