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After the successful join pirate hunting skirmish, the fleet turned to the capital world of Gjrana II, Esrimmir, to do minor repairs, refuel and resupply;  these actions can a week, so the crew was allowed to leave and spend some time on the surface.

Esrimmir is a hot planet,  with only its northern and southern regions being chill enough to be comfortable, though these can be still scorching hot at times.

Much of the crew went to the beaches, enjoyed the lively nightlife scene and famous teahouses of the system capital, Isna-Em.

Medolovonza did the same,  and after a lovely week, she wanted to surprise her crew mates with  a special treat;  a box of delmasrülli; a fruity sour chocolate that becomes sweeter the more you eat of it, with that effect lasting for hours.



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