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The newest allies of the Odraani,  contacted on a water world, Si-Merri. Most of its inhabitants are species of sharks, who follow a strict spiritual guide, praising knowledge, generosity, altruism and peace.

While initially them joining the Odraani was seen as something against their beliefs - given the paktum's resource-hungry and manipulative nature - they saw this as an opportunity to learn about different worlds, cultures, languages and religions, as well as helping the injured on ships. After a couple of years, they become a common sight as nurses, doctors on warships as well as linguists and historians on academies. 

However, taking on destructive roles such as troopers, gun crews is strictly forbidden for them.


I got my PC working in a semi-functional state; can draw, work on new stuff, but all my previous works and WIPs are currently inaccessible as I disconnected my main hard drive.

New parts are ordered, and I'mhopeful about getting all the data off my old hard drive to be moved onto a new, larger one. 



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