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Finished the HUGE YCH I held a while ago; took waaay longer because of IRL work, but I hope the hype wasn't too much ;3;

Zeryl is taking an exam to advance as a Coil operator, but apparently she didn't flip through her notes enough times ... or at all. Supervisor Yskra  is not impressed. Though with the shortage of qualified technicians, she may still have a solid chance.

I think this is my first detailed, fully shaded piece I've done in almost a year; deffo needed to de-rust myself, but streaming helps with that a lot.

Hope you'll like this!!

Zaryl © Hydratera
Yskra © Bale Phoenix




Zaryl: "OK, uh, accelerator 2 is at 100%... is it supposed to be flashing red?" Yskra: *sigh* "You're lucky there's a grading curve." Congrats on getting this finally done! This was a massive project and it's great to see it ready for public eyes! =3=


So much detail in this piece - wonderful!

Kiono Hiemalis

I can almost hear Zaryl's tail lash about, thumping on the floor and random bits of machinery with the nervousness! This is absolutely stunning! So much detail and shading and lighting and GOSH! The texture differences in the uniform, the shiny edges against the duller main material, nice touch! ALL the gauges and screens and details on them! The lighting details on the bolts and nuts and screw heads! The edge damage on the computer housing on the right side, a place you often brush past, the expressions... There is just SO much detail in here that I probably have overlooked, almost feels like an easteregg hunt to find them all~ <3


Too damn gooooooood!! Breathtaking bute, absolutely stunning! <33