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Elise is on sentry duty at a WHISPER base, armed with totally lethal watergun: filled with dyed water for effect. -w-

Hopes you like!! <3

(Sorry for the lack of pics; I should have shared some finished commissions!)




Nice nice :D

Kiono Hiemalis

Sharing commissions here too sounds nice as well :o Elise looks so.... naughty here! That smile is so knowing and along with her eyes she looks like a MASSIVE tease about to do something very... bad... to someone close by x3 I presume the differently colored water tanks hold the colored water? So the yellow one currently loaded has yellow water, and the blue tank on her thigh has blue water? Talking about colors, they look lovely here, so shiny~ &lt;3


"WHISPER command, we are ready to paint the beach-goers. Repeat, we are ready to paint the beach-goers." X3