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Eli n Aahnaye spent some time together diving after a long gap between trips. Both of them took a whole bunch of pics, but this one did end up in  Aahnaye's scrapbook <3

Been forever since I drew Elise! .3.

Hope you'll enjoy! <3



Kiono Hiemalis

I imagine Aahnaye just turning around during the dive to their location and snapping this picture randomly, just to get a quick shot in. Staged photos are great, of course, but there are some moments of snap shots that are just too good, like one person seeing their lover through their masks doing what both love.


Love the little grin she manages to make around the mouthpiece &lt;3


Precious bab! Love the happies expression an the lil emoji really adds to the delighted vibes! Rad composition, as always&lt;33


Always perfect! &lt;3


Scooooooob &lt;3