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Trooper! First full body pic of a regular trooper I think! 

Did some redesigns on them for a more sensible, rugged setup! Tons of pouches for ammo, energy cells, spare air, food paste and so on.

This lass is the standard kit; heavier setups add a lot more extra armour, external energy supplies for weapons and such.

Was a bit more time consuming to do this, but was fun to have a baseline for troopers! ^^

Hope you'll like!




Noice! Is this a suit for underwater or space? (or yes). And I like the little namepad! Who is this fellow (gal? Hard to tell)

Kiono Hiemalis

Is this anyone in particular or just a random white and red trooper who got roped in to pose for a shooting, glaring to the officer off-camera? x3 The gear looks awesome! All the lenses and such on the helmet are great, probably lamps in various wave lengths and even a camera to record the actions for later analysis. I would love th see a breakdown of the gear, an explanation what all the things here are, the valves and hoses and such. x3


Aaah it's actually for general use! Most of the Odraani species are used to higher pressures and oxygen rich air, so when walking even on a inhabited planet, they need an environmental suit ^^ EDIT: also, she's just a random gal ^^


Moar space lizard gear hell yeah.


Bad. Asssss. Looks amazing bute, the detail is sublimmmme! An I'm really digging the colour scheme, too <3


o7 Good to see the average trooper. May she serve her country well! <3