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Despite what one would assume, the life on Scalló can be quite eventless; sometimes months pass between large tasks, and the ongoing security jobs can be done with shifting skeleton crews. The others can go on a well-earned shore leave; some go back to their native worlds to visit friends and family, some indulge in themselves in the big cities with the cash they got, while some just kick back and enjoy life for a little. 

Helena is one of the latter; she doesn't really have anywhere to go; she burned many bridges in her life, and the Odraani Navy has an arrest warrant on her for desertion making things trickier.

However, there are countless port towns strewn across Vasma; different cultures meeting, not two of them being similar.  One of them stands out for her though; a tiny fishing town that reminds her of home; cold. crowded, misty ... not a place a tourist would ever pick, but she feels welcome there.

From the suggestion thread! Mega loved the idea, had to do it! <3 Lush chance for worldbuilding, enviro stuffs, and adding a tiny bit more to Helena! ;3; <3




Ooo! Is this actual shore, on actual dirt, or are we on some space station? o3o

Kiono Hiemalis

I love this picture soooooooooooo much! As I said on Patreon, there is just so much to see here, so much to spot and think about, and that just from the background! Looking at the 4 peeps here things get even more interesting. As I said before, I absolutely adore the emotions you can draw and this one is no different! From grumpy exhaustion to WTF and finally just relaxation and content. This is a scene where I would NOT want to get close to Helana, I'd rather have her enjoy her time and just be for herself. There's always the pub down the street for a drink or two. x3


I really like the "rickety, back-alley" vibes this place is giving off. It looks like one of those places where all the equipment is second hand and a couple of them occasionally spurt and sputter enough that a wrench is required. And the owners would prefer to buy something brand new and reliable but most of the money is going to the rent for the establishment. Hope Helena is enjoying her noodles! ^w^


fuck bute, this is gad damn amazing!! all dat glorious detail! in the pic, and in the description &lt;33 *noms it all up!*