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Patiently waiting for the slow, old compressor to wind up, Equipment Technician Dau is listening to to some chill tracks to kill time. Not really following the regulations of his past Odraani technician training, but nobody will call reprehend him for it on the Scalló

Dau is from the same species as Helena, which considering the size of the Odraani is quite rare; however, coming from a different culture, they don't get along as well as one would imagine; he is very reserved, and only talks when he absolutely needs to.   

From the suggestion thread, asking more peeps from the Scalló <3 

This pic came out muuuuch slower and harder than the looks would justify; everything that could go wrong went wrong at least once during drawing this but hey, he be done ...

Hopes you like though <3




Might as well take the opportunity for a break, yes? ;w;


Same species eh? So he snek? Handsome lad all the same &lt;3 Hope he doesn't have to wait long for the compressor to do its thing! ^w^