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Odraani mechanics are hardy people; having to deal with overcomplicated designs, cramped spaces, unmaintainable systems, and overtimes. They rarely complain though; the pay is solid, its easy to find employment, and you are unaffected by the squabbles of the commanding officers.

Only one thing makes them loose their cool; makeshift, undocumented repairs by other crew members.

Wanted to draw an Odraani mechanic in full kit for a bit + another scalie guy, tho this one turned out to be quite underwhelming; the whole pic is bland and generic, buuut at least its done.

Hope you'll like em nonetheless.



Kiono Hiemalis

"Blant and generic"? Nope, not the slightest, looks awesome! <3 <3 <3


Nah, this ain't bland or generic, its full of charcater! ^^ "...This is going into the report book..." My brain may or may not have decided to give this guy Arnold Rimmer's voice... >w>


Aaahnaye wearin a SHOUT scuba suit! ^w^