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  " ... yeah, it crashed like .. three times already? I'm out of ideas now." 

Sometimes a week doesn't go as well as expected when it comes to your job; focus issues, difficult tasks or simply just hardware/software acting up .3.

A bit of an IRL inspiration for this one, as the last two weeks have been quite tiring; lotsa overtime, challenging bits and a considerable amount of time wasted by constant crashes <.>

Hope you'll like et! <3



Kiono Hiemalis

The background looks amazing! I hope poor Elise and also you get some time to rest and relax soon!


This is far too relatable. Hang in there Elise.....


Ah yes, the wonders of calling tech support for these "home-computer" doo-dads XD Also, that looks like a nice office she has there &lt;333


"Try dusting out the internal parts, maybe the fan's clogged with dust and its overheating. Happens all the time, don't worry. I can send you the link to our approved antivirus too."


Thankies!! &lt;3 This weekend, I hopes! Got so much art to catch up with &lt;3&gt;


Thank you! &lt;3 Had the 'case of mondays', except for every day was a monday x.x Yeee ... gotta plough through the week ill be set! -3-


Esp in the times when you can't just download a file or look up help on the net ... the true dark ages @.@ Yuss! Her office is quite spacious as she's one of the few computer-literate employees, so there's no much crammin' in the office ^^'