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Hey everyone!

Go suggest ideas, situations with Elise, Aahnaye or Helena, interacting with a character of yours!

Can be set in the 'real' world, or a fantasy, sci-fi setting; scuba diving, friendly hangouts, shared adventure and such!

Suggest away! <3



Kiono Hiemalis

Helena has all the snakes around her, but what would an Oodrani goon from a different species look like? My Nivaria sure would love to cosplay or even be a hired goon alongside Helena, exploring some base!

Balefire Phoenix

My raptor gal as an Odraani cadet, learning how to use her new fancy spacegun from Helena while looking utterly adorable. A bit like the Doomguy/Isabelle fanart that people have been drawing lately ^v^ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34571966/ https://i.imgur.com/Mxyx7Em.jpg


OOh, ok! Ideas! - Elise and Lex meeting at the airport (any generic airport), or examining a sunken U-boat. Or Lex takes Elise for a drive around Wilmington in her Jeep (or Elise drives, much to Lex's terror) or they're exploring the USS North Carolina! (sorry, that was a lot!) - Aahnaye and Marcus sitting on the beach or at a coffee shop, talking about their respective partners! Or she's part of a tour of the nuclear plant! - Iris swabbing the deck after getting a peek at Helena, while Helena oversees &gt;3&gt;


Hmm - BadElise and BadTracy in rubber dive gear as they're walking along the beach on patrol. - Helena and Nadira swimming in the ocean in full gear. Maybe they're looking for something? Or maybe chasing someone? - Elise is trying to convince a suited up Tracy to join her in the pool/lake, but Tracy is like "I'm not so sure..." (Or have the aftermath of that where Elise is swimming around Tracy and the latter's all "Wow! This is fantastic!" x3 - Tracy, Elise and Aahanaye are walking around a museum full of Ancient Egyptian artifacts, where Tracy is enthusiastically talking about a specific piece (she can read hyroglyphs for instance) with Elise and Aahnaye reacting however you please. They interested in what the cat has to say? Has she been rambling and they've gotten bored or lost and cofused? Up to you! And if you wanna instead turn the tables and have either Elise or Aahnaye explain something about their interests to Tracy, then go for it! She's always willing to learn x3 Refs Tracy: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/27536920/ Nadira: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34900690/


- A trip to chernobyl, in the highly contaminated zones with heavy hazmat suits maybe even inside the building. With Elise and My OC. -Some scuba diving under a frozen lake, being under a thick layer of ice and exploring the environment in such conditions. Or even preparations for such diving with Helena and my Oc. Here is my reference sheet with some gear but it's up to you for that latter : https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29994308/




I would love to see some lycra type outfits like you see for cycling? maybe a cast of characters stopped at park facility refilling bidons and having some water? Seraph's ref https://www.furaffinity.net/view/26958580/


- Merc Raida getting an introductory training session from Helena on fire arms usage. But given she's a complete rookie it doesn't exactly go so well and she complete misses all the targets with Helena looking at her being all "... *Sigh* this is going to take a bit" Merc raida ref :3c : http://puu.sh/FlgJ1/070a32b9c5.jpg


-Depending on who makes the trip, either Elise/Aahnaye stumbling over a sunken WW2 mini-submarine during an underwater photoshoot, or Helena actually on a mission to retrive intel from said u-boat -because you said sci-fi: In the future spacesuits may very well become as slim as scuba gear, so it'd be interesting to see your take on a spacesuit inspired by scuba gear. Gear like https://www.furaffinity.net/view/28392102/ but a bit more reinforced, with Elise taking pictures from outside an airlock(, another character watching from inside) -for something out of gear, hanging out on a small sailing yacht after a scuba trip, drinkin some tea/similar hot beverage and enjoying the sunset I don't really have a ref sheet for a character, maybe this would count http://fav.me/da0wsen, or either of http://fav.me/da5zcbj these chars, but neither actually have to be in any of the pictures if you were to like one of the ideas


How about some underwater salvage with Greenfox and Elise? Lots of chunky commercial inspired dive gear!

Gerrix (SilverTurian)

It'd be fun to see Helena and Kaleth doing a maintenance EVA while their spaceship is orbiting a really cool ringed planet like Saturn.


Ramona (my kangaroo :PP) and Elise eating warm fish and chips on an Aussie Queensland beach?


I think it'd be fun to see either Aahnaye or Elise (Whoever you think is more suited to it) having a go at rock climbing with my ibex, Canin. Nothing better to learn from than a mountain goat, after all :P


(im so late, amg XwX) would love to suggest Helena and Dhenzin in serious werk-mode &gt;:V maybe taking a spacewalk? or underwater repairs? :D the lad got his heavy gear to make a hull repair while in hostile domain; boss lady making sure the job gets done and being bad ass protecting her cargo? :3 or, Raiyk with Elise after a long day at the waters; him with his surfboard and her with her diving/sorkling gear, chillin by a fire with a brewski and snacks :3 cant wait to see the loosh pieces to come from this ^w^ thanks for being so rad and letting us include our babs in ideas with yours &lt;3